41 Hours Review (PlayStation 5)

For this 41 Hours Review, we take on the role of Ethan, a workaholic scientist and capable field combatant in search of his long-lost wife. 41 Hours is a cinematic first-person adventure driven by intense shootouts and advanced, often alien technology. Accompanied by a mysterious woman that seems to possess super-human powers, Ethan will take up conventional armaments while learning to manipulate time, a cloak for enhanced stealth, use portals for teleportation and employ telekinetic abilities against the paramilitary forces that stand in his way.

41 Hours Review Pros:

  • Nice graphics.
  • 10.27GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • First-person shooter gameplay.
  • Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity slider.
  • Four difficulties – Novice, Beginner, Intermediate, and Pro.
  • Comic book-style cutscenes.
  • Can skip and fast-forward cutscenes.
  • Cross-buy support – you get both Playstation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions of the game.
  • Opening tutorial pop-ups and missions.
  • Save when you want.
  • Fast loading times.
  • The game moves at a fast pace.
  • Ammo, health, and energy can be scavenged from the World.
  • Earn EXP, level up, and spend points on upgrading stats or unlocking attachments like sights and suppressors.
  • Enemies can drop ammo and health.
  • Wormholes can be created to help navigate.
  • Slight puzzle elements.
  • Energy-you can collect more from energy drops, you use energy to do abilities like telekinesis, slow down time, and cloaking.
  • Takes inspiration from games like Crysis.
  • Your partner can be directed to locations and will blow up to kill enemies, don’t worry she respawns instantly.
  • Special vision to see enemy locations.
  • A vast world where you can go into the buildings for loot.
  • Explosive barrels to shoot or throw.
  • Sights-once unlocked you get them all and can swap them out instantly with button presses.
  • Different ammo types and you can swap between them at will.
  • Shoot and kill animals for health.

41 Hours Review Cons:

  • You cannot set running and crouching to toggle.
  • A lot of performance issues from pop-in to Guys disappearing and slowdown.
  • Enemies will just spawn out of the air randomly.
  • Wave-based combat can happen with no warning.
  • The enemy soldiers have amazing accuracy and distance.
  • No field of view slider.
  • Hard to tell where you are getting shot from.
  • Houses all feel the same inside.
  • The houses are very cluttered.
  • Can get stuck on the scenery a lot.
  • Very basic gunplay that is loose in its execution.
  • Sound effects go a bit weird and loud randomly

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41 Hours:

Official website.

Developer: Texelworks

Publisher: Eastasiasoft

Store Links –


  • 5/10
    Graphics - 5/10
  • 5/10
    Sound - 5/10
  • 5/10
    Accessibility - 5/10
  • 5/10
    Length - 5/10
  • 5/10
    Fun Factor - 5/10


41 Hours is a fist person shooter with special powers like telekinesis, cloaking, and slow downtime. It clearly takes a lot from games like Crysis and boasts a somewhat open world where you can roam as you like, and houses can be searched for loot like ammo and health. One major thing is you can create a wormhole to help navigate and take on some of the basic puzzle situations. You are joined by an Ai partner who can be commanded to blow up enemies etc. The whole game is just OK, you can see glimpses of it being a good shooter but then you get stuck on the scenery for the billionth time or the constant performance issues pop up or the enemies don’t even bother spawning in and you can’t continue. I played the Prologue a while back and from what I can see it’s the same game with a lot of the same issues. 41 Hours is a mediocre first-person shooter that dares to be different but lands up fumbling the execution.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!