Akibas Trip Undead And Undressed Director’s Cut Review (Nintendo Switch OLED)

For this Akibas Trip Undead And Undressed Director’s Cut Review, we find out that This suburban Tokyo ward’s seen it all, from Japan’s post-war reconstruction to the economic bubblegum crisis of the ’80s. Always on the cutting edge of progress, with a little something to offer even the most fetishistic of appetites, it was almost inevitable that this singular technocracy of indulgence would give birth to a whole new kind of appetite altogether. Enter, the “Synthisters” – vampires who prey upon the life energy of the town’s unsuspecting figurine-chasers, maid café connoisseurs, and cosplayers. Those victimized by Synthisters take on the properties of their attackers while also withdrawing from society and becoming veritable shut-ins due to their newfound fatal weakness to sunlight.


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Akibas Trip Undead And Undressed Director’s Cut Review Pros:

  • Anime graphics.
  • 3.1GB download size.
  • Has its own in-game achievements.
  • Text and/or voice can be changed between English and Japanese.
  • Three difficulty options: Easy,  Casual, and Gamer.
  • Opening and ongoing tutorial.
  • Display settings – damage display, experience display, counter guide ui, and map ui.
  • Auto,  Skip, and fast-forward buttons for cut scenes and conversations.
  • Eight control layouts.
  • Basic character creator but you get clothing all the time so it doesn’t really matter.
  • Smartphone wallpaper unlocks.
  • Excellent voice work.
  • Invert axis option.
  • Toy box mode: Here you have free roam of the Akibas and have all abilities and items unlocked.
  • Toy Box mode has the same 3 difficulty options as the main game.
  • The entertaining story is loosely based on Vampire equivalents. You can answer and set branching questions and answers.  The answers given affect the story in multiple ways.
  • Lightening fast loading times.
  • Smartphone, Your hub contains all the options and menus. Here you can read emails,  read Potter, and change game options like save/load.  The whole phone can be customized with pictures taken from cut scenes etc.
  • Combat: your aim is to strip your enemies of all their clothes.  you have a high medium and low attack which are used to target specific pieces of clothing. Once that particular piece of clothing is flashing,  You can then rip off the garment.
  • Unlock and use Fast travel points found around the map.
  • Random street fights.
  • Music is a mix of J-Pop meets techno with a layer of nuts to it all. Hear music booming from hops and cars as you stroll the streets.
  • Huge living,  breathing world.
  • Pitter is the game in the world social media app where you can get information.
  • E-mail is a place to get side mission opportunities and hear from certain characters.
  • defeated enemies drop loot.
  • marker in the game for main story missions and a few key side missions.
  • Combat relies heavily on combos and you can actually chain moves together,  Wrapping them into a strip frenzy where you can strip a whole gang in one chain.
  • get arrested by cops for fighting,  Pay a bailout price penalty.
  • Save/Load whenever.
  • A full 3D world with full 360-degree camera control.
  • Cutscenes are a mix of in-game shorts and character art interactions.
  • Shops are scattered all over the area and each seller is unique in terms of pricing and stock.
  • Battle arenas. Fight off against waves of enemies,  Rank up, and earn loot and cash.
  • Side missions are optional and plentiful.
  • Fuse (craft)  items together to make new ones, make current weapons stronger, and much more.
  • Collect flyers from salespeople in the street.  These flyers are for real-world shops that you can visit.
  • New game features unlock as you go through the main story missions.
  • Memorable characters.
  • Ui is clean and bright.
  • Looks just as crisp as the big-boy console versions.
  • Weaponry is crazy with such weapons as laptops,  umbrellas, and even suitcases can be used.
  • Earn experience and level up and learn new moves and gain better stats.
  • Finishing moves can be performed where you take your opponent’s underwear.
  • The game is very fast-paced but so playable.
  • Multiple choice encounters.
  • Full camera photo mode for you but also used for missions.
  • The definitive version of the game for both looks and performance.
  • Difficulty affects combat and easier difficulties disable high, mid, and low attacks.
  • Can skip cutscenes.
  • Full stats screen with a detailed breakdown.
  • The visual editor lets you fully tinker and customize the look of the game with – presets, character colors, map color, sky color and contrast, fog, and color offset.

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Akibas Trip Undead And Undressed Director’s Cut Review Cons:

  • The a slight learning curve at the begininng.
  • So slow to start with as you get so much information and mechanic knowledge.
  • Fighting is the trickiest part to learn especially with no proper lock-on options.
  • Very little in terms of character creation.
  • Watching out for when to strip is hard, especially in group fights.
  • You can bring up a marker on screen but it’s only for main missions,  We could do with one for active side quests.
  • Very slight slowdown in places.
  • Picking up items is a pain, especially after fights as you have to quickly grab them all,  Due to the crazy weapons,  some can be crazy small.
  • Some of the shop fronts in the world look bland,  pixel aged, and dare I say it,  PlayStation 1-era looking.
  • Pervert,  Sexual tone throughout.  I mean you expect it somewhat from a game that evolves around stripping your enemies but it kicks it up a notch.  You can zoom your camera in on your female party members and actually jiggle their breasts.
  • Toybox mode disables achievements and it doesn’t recognize clear data.
  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • An FYI that it doesn’t support any sort of save transfer.
  • The choices you make don’t feel that impactful.

Related Post: Legend Bowl Review (PlayStation 5)

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Akibas Trip Undead And Undressed Director’s Cut:

Official website.

Developer: 株式会社アクワイア ACQUIRE Corp.

Publisher:  Home | XSEED Games

Store Links –


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 9/10
    Fun Factor - 9/10


In Summary, This is the third outing for this particular game and I can say it is third time lucky as this is the definitive version. The graphics are crisp, the Music is top notch and the performance cannot be touched.  Jumping from area to area is only a few seconds of loading away. Fighting is funny but tricky and has a feeling of having been there and done it all.  The stripping is the only real game-changer.  Yes, the game has you feeling like a pervert at times but it’s not always forced upon you,  you can skip over the most raunchy parts. So in short it is worth a look for sure boasting hours of gameplay and a whacky story just mental enough to keep you hooked. This has to be one of the weirder games on the Nintendo Switch and saying that it is also a great game for handheld gaming. I found the best way to experience this game is headphones, in handheld mode and just lose yourself in a world that entertains at every step.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!