Autonomous Game Console OTON X Set for Open UI Beta Signup


Today, the EnGeniux OTON X autonomous game console is set to open beta signup to early adopters and developers to demo the console basic user interface (UI) on the EnGeniux OTON X test server in a few weeks.

Oton Blue Colors
The OTON X console is the first autonomous game console being prepared for market. The console has attributes similar to other upcoming autonomous devices such as cars and home automation systems; the only difference is that OTON self-creates games, without human input. The system creates games using a custom algorithm with preset design parameters and a sprite database to create custom game environments.

During the beta testing, the project will offer crowdfunded OTON X (developer units) to early adopters and developers. Systems will cost $99 for early bird units and $139 for standard units. These models will not have the built-in rear projector. Over one thousand users have signed up for OTON beta testing, with the list growing daily. “We’re excited to let gamers, developers and media interact with the OTON UI because of its unique design layout,” says OTON X creator and project manager Derrick Samuels.

Oton Official Controller Image1
The goal of the beta is to gain feedback on the user interface and to move forward with adding more features. Interested parties can sign up for the OTON X UI beta here.



ui oton redesign



Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!