BeatShapers Announce #killallzombies For PS4


In the distant future; #killallzombies is thrusting civilians into a sport of survival were a ravenous zombie population is unleashed in the name of sports entertainment with television spectators voting upon how many zombies they want to uncage to make survival all the more harder for you to accomplish with the potential of a collective horde of over 1,000 zombies.


  • Hordes of zombies to fight!
  • Live stream interactions enabling spectators to affect gameplay while watching the broadcast via Live from PlayStation® or Twitch.
  • Interactively changing arena.The arena comprises of hundreds of hexagon shaped tiles that are capable of totally changing the dynamics of the gameplay by altering the landscape by spawning new obstacles, such as various cars and knives and others.
  • Multiple weapons (7 weapons at launch) and ammo types (normal/armor-piercing/freezing/toxic)
  • Powerful perks and leveling system. Killing significant quantities of zombies will earn XP, which will eventually enable the player to level up, which is a very important process as it provides the player with a choice of perks that will be incredibly helpful in surviving the hordes of zombies.


Social interactivity is a hugely important feature for #killallzombies as we want to deliver the most engaging socially interactive and fun game in the third-person shooter genre. A central attribute to the social interactivity is involving stream viewers into core gameplay elements via chat and voting mechanics, which allows for people to not only spectate, but also participate during a player’s live broadcasting of #killallzombies via PS4′ Live from PlayStation® and Twitch website.
There are four ways that spectators can affect the game for the broadcaster:
  • Every ~80 seconds, we have a choice of two encounters options available to vote via interactions including: encounter spawns and various arena events.
  • The perk selection screen has its own voting mechanic in which if the player decides to wait and select the spectator’s most voted perk, the player will be offered extra XP and Health.
  • The chat commands are available throughout the broadcast as we are executing chat commands in real time; allowing the spectators to affect on a variety of imperative decisions that can significantly increase or decrease your chance of survival: affecting character’s speed or health, changing arena configuration, spawning more zombies and obstacles; and for the most evil of spectators is the opportunity to deliberately change the camera angle to a less effective perspective and reverse the entire control scheme and much more!


The streaming interaction/broadcasting is optional but greatly expanding the gameplay by creating accedental game events, even if player has zero spectators.
There will also be plenty of hidden commands that you will have to figure out for yourself along the way during gameplay and we will be posting special announcements on social media.


Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!