Blood Waves Review (PlayStation 5)

For this Blood Waves Review, we take on hardcore and bloody shooter where we will have to repel the attacks of the living dead using the destroying traps, defensive barricades, and also a weapon of close and long-range combat.

Blood Waves Review Pros:

  • Nice graphics.
  • 675.9MB GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Wave-based shooter gameplay.
  • 3rd person perspective.
  • Earn cash from kills.
  • End of each wave you get one skill point and one upgrade point.
  • Hud- shows ammo, wave and enemies left.
  • Half a dozen weapons from pistols to SMG to rail guns and sniper rifles.
  • Traps from barricades, chainsaw poles, and more.
  • Hub- opens up between waves and here is where you spend your skill/upgrade points and spend cash on ammo/guns/traps.
  • Build mode- the time between the hub and a new wave. You can place, and rotate traps.
  • Upgrade–increase stats/ammo on a selected weapon.
  • Skill- put a point into the table of abilities like regen health, more health, less damage, armor, etc.
  • Actions- shoot, melee and roll.
  • Controls- sensitivity sliders and invert axis.
  • Blood Waves features a handful of different zombie types.
  • Played in a confined arena.
  • Blood Waves does have satisfying headshots.

Blood Waves Review Cons:

  • Blood Waves has no real tutorial.
  • Slow-paced.
  • Hit detection issues.
  • Repetitive.
  • No difficulty options.
  • the unlocks in Blood Waves are really slow.
  • Robotic animations.
  • Bullet sponge zombies.
  • Melee is 50/50 on whether it hits even if they are so close that they are basically inside you.
  • Ugly textures.
  • Blood Waves has no leaderboards of any kind.
  • Low-quality sound effects.
  • The stamina system is too erratic.
  • No frills.
  • The camera is erratic.
  • The main character’s expressions never change.
  • The shooting in Blood Waves feels unrewarding and very floaty.

Related Post: Deadcraft Review (Xbox Series S)

Blood Waves:

Official website.

Developer: Light Road Games

Publisher: Sometimes You

Store Links – 


  • 6/10
    Graphics - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Sound - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Accessibility - 6/10
  • 5/10
    Length - 5/10
  • 5/10
    Fun Factor - 5/10


Blood Waves initially piqued my interest, I know historically wave-based games can get tedious and Repetitive but every now and then you get a good one. That is not blood waves. The arena, you fight in is so bland and uninspiring. You wait for the shambolic zombies to get close enough for you to shoot. Their path to you all over the place, the shooting so floaty and random you cannot get any sort of satisfaction from it. Any shots past your feet result in serious misfires. Well OK, I thought maybe it will live on as a brawler so I pulled out my knife. Wrong! My hits don’t register properly whilst the zombie hits with sniper efficiency. I run out of stamina quickly, I can make heads or tails of the hud for confirmation it’s my stamina. Pfft well, now I’m running out of options so I progress on (slowly) and buy some traps. Why bother? They slow them down fine but the movement is so all over the shop mixed with the shooting means the traps hinder more than help. If they slowed them and made them easier to kill then fine. That said maybe the later traps do help a lot but with such a slow path of unlocks and overall variation who really cares? Oh and in case you care, easy trophies if you can turn into an actual zombie and fight through. In short blood waves. could have been a fun time waster but instead turns out to be not worth the time. Too slow and bad combat stop it from ever realizing its potential or purpose.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!