Bomb Rush Cyberpunk Review (Steam)

For this Bomb Rush Cyberpunk Review, we visit a future world from the mind of Dion Koster where self-styled graffiti crews equipped with personal boost packs are battling each other for control of the streets. Start your own cypher and dance, paint graffiti, collect beats, combo your tricks, and face off with the cops to stake your claim to the sprawling metropolis of New Amsterdam.

Bomb Rush Cyberpunk Review Pros:

  • Beautiful graphics.
  • Download size.
  • Steam achievements.
  • Full controller support.
  • Graphics settings – screen mode, resolution, v-sync, quality level, anti-aliasing, texture filtering, shadow quality, and shadow distance.
  • Can rebind controls for both the keyboard and the controller buttons.
  • Invert the axis and sensitivity slider.
  • 3 save slots.
  • The game oozes style.
  • Brilliant soundtrack.
  • Action skateboarding and spraying gameplay.
  • The game opens up with a tutorial-like section and story setup.
  • You can freely jump between walking and skating with a button press.
  • It Plays amd looks a lot like Jet Set Radio.
  • You tag walls with your graffiti to earn rep points.
  • Your phone is used to show the map, choose what graffiti you do for each tag size, setup the music, and deal with messages.
  • The spraying is a case of joining dots together in a particular way, luckily you can get a prompt to help.
  • When on foot you can smash windows, break stalls, and all sorts.
  • Pulling off tricks is fast and easy, they chain together well and look awesome.
  • When on foot, if you hit a rail you instantly get your wheels out so you can grind it.
  • A combo counter pops up as you pull off tricks.
  • Play how you want.
  • You have a jet pack that allows turbo and a sort of soluble jump.
  • It’s effortless to grind walls and signs to keep a combo going.
  • Do tricks whenever and wherever you like.
  • You can tag/graffiti as you grind past.
  • A full 3D world with full 360-degree camera control.
  • Very accessible and easy to get into.
  • Find and complete side events with other crews and characters.
  • Unlock new graffiti art.
  • When doing a new trick it says (new).
  • The best combo score is shown on the pause menu.
  • Learning to combo can get tricky in built-up areas with a lot of grind spots.
  • Robot signs are littered around and grinding by them has you high-fiving them, Do all in a row for a reward.
  • Collect little canisters to top up your turbo bar.
  • Boss encounters.
  • You see other characters grinding and skating around.
  • Find secret areas.
  • Many ways to interact in the world and find alternative routes.

Bomb Rush Cyberpunk Review Cons:

  • No voice work.
  • Doesn’t offer online play.
  • No leaderboards.
  • Kinda wish you had a lot more music at the start and you could either create a playlist or change track quickly.
  • At times it can be tricky to work out how to get to a point on the map or get it to recognise a tag/spray.
  • The cutscenes take all the fun and excitement out of the game flow by being slow and kind of dull.
  • The boss fights are frustrating mostly due to not fully knowing what to do but also the camera struggles to keep up.
  • The moves and tricks have no risk to them as you know you will always land safely.
  • The grinding is not as robust as a Tony Hawk’s and this causes a lot of things to not be grindable and instead just stop you dead.
  • It’s off-putting the way in cutscenes the music keeps playing but there are no sound effects for what is going on.

Related Post: En Garde Review (Steam)

Bomb Rush Cyberpunk:

Official website.

Developer: Team Reptile

Publisher: Team Reptile

Store Links – 


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 9/10
    Fun Factor - 9/10


The game has a brilliant soundtrack and stylish action skateboarding and spraying gameplay. It plays and looks a lot like Jet Set Radio, with the ability to freely jump between walking and skating. You can tag walls with your graffiti to earn rep points, and your phone is used to show the map, choose what graffiti you do for each tag size, set up the music, and deal with messages. The spraying is a case of joining dots together in a particular way, and you can get a prompt to help. Pulling off tricks is fast and easy, they chain together well and look awesome. You have a jet pack that allows turbo and a sort of soluble jump. It’s effortless to grind walls and signs to keep a combo going. The game is very accessible and easy to get into, with many ways to interact in the world and find alternative routes.

However, there are some drawbacks. The game doesn’t offer online play or leaderboards, and the music selection at the start could be better. At times it can be tricky to work out how to get to a point on the map or get it to recognise a tag/spray. The cutscenes take all the fun and excitement out of the game flow by being slow and kind of dull, and the boss fights are frustrating mostly due to not fully knowing what to do but also the camera struggles to keep up. The moves and tricks have no risk to them as you know you will always land safely. The grinding is not as robust as a Tony Hawk’s game, causing some things to not be grindable and instead just stop you dead. Overall the game is stylish as fuck and a ton of fun, It has taken a love of a game and advanced the genre in many ways and is a must-play this summer.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!