Boss Rush Mythology Review (PlayStation 5)

For this Boss Rush Mythology Review, where we play an action game in which you have to fight various creatures and gods from Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic, and Egyptian mythologies. Take on the role of a mysterious knight who travels across different worlds in search of the most difficult opponents.

Boss Rush Mythology Review Pros:

  • Nice hand-drawn graphics.
  • 355.5MB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Opening tutorial section.
  • Boss Rush gameplay.
  • 2D perspective.
  • Wide range of moves from charge attacks, attacks, rolling, parrying and ledge grabbing.
  • Uses a stamina-based system for all actions.
  • Haptic feedback on the controller.
  • Two difficulties – Easy and standard.
  • Game timer options – always and after the first win.
  • Balance – An enemy has a secondary balance bar that goes down from attacks, depletes it and they are stunned and take a 300 percent damage increase.
  • The main hub is where you pick a boss encounter and spend any credits at the shop.
  • Many weapon types are unique in their stats and features.
  • Each boss encounter has four stars to earn.
  • A few of the encounters are opened at the start so you can choose your order.
  • Goes for a Dark Souls vibe.
  • Simple controls.
  • You can replay encounters.

Boss Rush Mythology Review Cons:

  • Uses all the jargon you only usually hear from speed runners as I frame.
  • The input delay is slight but noticeable.
  • Broken English and grammar in places.
  • Unsatisfying victory screen.
  • Grabbing onto ledges is weird as it’s more a case of hanging onto the middle of the platform rather than the ledge.
  • Cheap combat tactics.
  • No online interactions.
  • The music isn’t that great.
  • The tutorial is very basic.
  • Boring trophy list.

Related Post: Shadows Over Loathing Review (Nintendo Switch OLED)

Boss Rush Mythology:

Official website.

Developer: Alexey Suslin

Publisher: Sometimes You Games

Store Links – 


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!