Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons Remake Review (PlayStation 5)

Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons Remake Review, Guide two brothers on an epic journey of discovery, loss, adventure, and mystery remade for the latest generation of graphics, performance, and gameplay. Play in single-player mode or local co-op with a friend. This is one journey you will never forget.

Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons Remake Review Pros:

  • Nice graphics.
  • 17.06GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Bonus art gallery menu.
  • Graphics settings – performance and quality.
  • Accessibility options – the highlight of interactive points (high/default/off), silhouette of your characters (off/default/high), colorblind setting, screenshake, and vibration.
  • Adventure gameplay.
  • How to play menu option.
  • In-game cutscenes and character interactions.
  • Uses its language.
  • A full 3D world with 360-degree camera control with the shoulder buttons.
  • Two-player local support Co-op.
  • Does a really good job of conveying the story without just saying it, expressions and noises help set the atmosphere.
  • Sit on benches to get a glorious view of your current location.
  • Find wells to spit in.
  • Both the Wells and benches act like Collectibles in the game.
  • 3rd person view.
  • Slight puzzle elements throughout.
  • Ask for directions by showing your scroll to people.
  • In solo play you control both brothers, one on each side of the controller.
  • A very impactful and powerful story.
  • The brothers can interact with the same things and people but sometimes what they do is different.
  • It’s a really good Sunday afternoon game.

Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons Remake Review Cons:

  • There are no subtitles for the brief voice parts.
  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • I’m never sure when you last hit a checkpoint.
  • The camera is very sluggish with no sensitivity sliders.
  • Slight performance hiccups like juddering and slowdown even on the performance graphics setting.
  • You do not get any in-game tutorials or pop-up text.
  • Cannot skip cutscenes.
  • It’s not the fastest loading time for a Playstation 5 game.

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Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons Remake:

Official website.

Developer: Avantgarden Games

Publisher: 505 Games

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons Remake boasts nice graphics and offers both performance and quality settings. However, there are slight performance hiccups like juddering and slowdown even on the performance graphics setting. The camera is sluggish with no sensitivity sliders. The game has a download size of 17.06GB, which might be a bit hefty for some users. The loading time is not the fastest for a Playstation 5 game.

Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons Remake has adventure gameplay with slight puzzle elements throughout. In solo play, you control both brothers, one on each side of the controller. The brothers can interact with the same things and people, but sometimes what they do is different. There are no in-game tutorials or pop-up text, and controls cannot be rebound.

Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons Remake offers a range of accessibility options including the highlight of interactive points, silhouette of your characters, colorblind setting, screenshake, and vibration. There’s also a How to Play menu option. However, there are no subtitles for the brief voice parts.

The game does a really good job of conveying the story without just saying it. Expressions and noises help set the atmosphere. It’s a very impactful and powerful story. The game uses its language, and there are in-game cutscenes and character interactions.

The game supports a two-player local co-op and offers a full 3D world with 360-degree camera control with the shoulder buttons. There’s a bonus art gallery menu and a platinum trophy for achievement hunters. The game also features unique elements like sitting on benches for a glorious view of your current location and finding wells to spit in, which act like collectibles in the game.

Overall, Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons Remake seems to be a good Sunday afternoon game with a powerful story and unique gameplay mechanics, but it is one more for new players as I don’t think all the enhancements make a worthy revisit.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!