Cloudpunk Review (PlayStation 4)

Cloudpunk Review (PlayStation 4)

A neon-noir story in a rain-drenched cyberpunk metropolis. It’s your first night on the job working for the Cloudpunk delivery service. Two rules: Don’t miss a delivery and don’t ask what’s in the package.


  • Decent voxel graphics.
  • 10.02GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Works on Playstation 5.
  • Delivery woman gameplay.
  • Tutorial as you play.
  • Earn cash from doing jobs.
  • Gameplay-driving a Hova (flying car) around and deliver packages.
  • Can get out of the hova and walk around.
  • Collectibles show on the mini-map.
  • 3rd person and 1st person view.
  • Map and minimap.
  • Play how you want.
  • Icons show for everything important.
  • Parking spots-only place to park and get out.
  • Find new characters to interact with.
  • Merchants and vendors can be found all over.
  • Highways-marked by blue roads, as you hit these your hova will stay on it and makes travel easier.
  • The world does have an open world feel, you can drive around anywhere.
  • A beautiful sprawling world with many little suburbs and secrets to find.
  • Garage–buy/install hova upgrades and repair your hova. Can customise it with visual upgrades and attachments.
  • Earn cash by discovering new locations, doing jobs, etc.
  • The world is both vertical and horizontal in its size.
  • Really good cyberpunky soundtrack.
  • Missions may have a choice element.
  • Anything you can pick up is highlighted.
  • Can turn the Hud off with a press of a button.
  • Camera-lock/unlock and you can zoom in and out and rotate.
  • Unlock new upgrades as you play the game.
  • Clear easy to understand job board on your screen complete with markers.
  • Has a living world feel to it.
  • Apartment-buy and upgrade new items in your place including decor.
  • Fuel is a thing you need to keep topped up by visiting petrol stops, the price varies.

Cloudpunk Review (PlayStation 4)


  • A lot of screen tearing and slowdown.
  • Very daunting to begin with.
  • The slight learning curve with driving.
  • Tutorial tips are far apart.
  • Doesn’t get a huge boost when playing on the PlayStation 5.
  • Driving is very sluggish and erratic.
  • Hard to judge distance which is an issue with traffic.
  • The constant need for parking spaces.
  • Voice works feel very flat and monotone.
  • The camera goes crazy if you touch it at all when exiting a vehicle.

Cloudpunk Review (PlayStation 4)

  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


Cloudpunk is a game all about delivering packages to the many colorful characters of the world. It’s a very slow-paced game with a huge repetition arc as you are constantly going backward and forwards. It’s a game that is a lot of fun and a great way to pass the time as the world of cool with its voxel style graphics and the brilliant soundtrack just makes it a coherent experience. The driving is not good early on, it has a huge turning arc, it’s sluggish and the camera amplifies this with it being hard to judge distances or get past traffic slightly. I like the put of car portion of the game as you can talk with locals, find Collectibles and do some shopping but I don’t like how I have to find the sparse parking spot locations first, that in itself is a map icon jungle and then you have to navigate the world to your location and it all makes it a right pain and adds unwanted puzzle elements to it all. For me Cloudpunk is not a bad game and it’s not a great game, it’s just an alright game that had grand ideas but for whatever reason, I never felt like they were realized and it could have been a lot different. Overall Cloudpunk is a good stop-gap and a great first step into a cyberpunk world.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!