DC Justice League Cosmic Chaos Review (PlayStation 5)

For our DC Justice League Cosmic Chaos Review, we unite against chaos, in an all-new adventure where the Justice League goes head-to-head with Mr. Mxyzptlk, a powerful prankster from the 5th Dimension. Have the freedom to play your way in action-packed missions, grueling fights, and daring challenges! Suit up as Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman and team up with other Super Heroes to take on some of the most powerful Super-Villains in the DC universe.

DC Justice League Cosmic Chaos Review Pros:

  • Cartoon graphics.
  • 3.97GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • You get the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 versions of the game.
  • Five difficulties.
  • Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity sliders, and the ability to remap the controls.
  • Graphics settings preference – quality and performance.
  • Game settings – camera shake, repeated button presses, auto hold interact, interior backgrounds, and on-screen direction indicator.
  • Two game modes – Story and instant action.
  • Animated cartoon cutscenes.
  • Fully voiced characters.
  • Can skip the cutscenes.
  • 3D action-adventure gameplay.
  • You can swap between characters with a button press.
  • Simple beat ’em up controls.
  • Comic book-style pop-ups as you fight like wham gurgle blap etc.
  • Enemies drop items and coins.
  • An animated in-game opening credits scene.
  • You play Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman.
  • Earn EXP and level up to get new costumes and use the skill tree.
  • Tutorial video clip pop-ups.
  • Clean easy to read Hud showing health and exp bars.
  • Full 3D camera control.
  • Each character has a special ability that charges up over time.
  • Mission markers and arrows help with navigation.
  • Pick up stuff like barrels and crates and use them as weapons.
  • Multiple choice encounters.
  • Slow motion last kills.
  • Chain attacks together by hot-swapping between characters.
  • Button prompts show.
  • Fast loading times with comical scenes on the screen.
  • An open-world game.
  • Unlock fast travel points via the ports.
  • Each character has a unique way to travel around the world.
  • Freedom to wander around and fight harder enemies and find secrets.
  • Hidden loot chests.
  • Interact with items around the world to get coins.
  • Support heroes are the ability to call down a fellow Justice League member to temporarily help you.
  • Drive vehicles around, turn the radio on, and follow the roads!
  • Very easy to get into.
  • Has an element of play how you want.
  • Status effects are in the game like fire, poison, ice, etc.
  • Comic books are hidden Collectibles, show off classic comic covers and unlock hero costumes.
  • Costumes are matched with the comic book they show in.
  • A room in the Justice League mountain shows off unlocked costumes.
  • Items and enemies respawn when you leave and return to an area.
  • Enemies have a power/difficulty level above their heads.
  • Find optional side missions for Rewards.
  • Artifacts of Justice modify hero attacks and abilities and are earned and equipped in the game.
  • Find materials that are used to upgrade your skills.
  • The dungeons are well-designed.
  • A lot of boss and mini-boss encounters.
  • An excellent game show section with a handful of events that are reminiscent of Takeshis Castle and Wipeout.
  • Ideal for younger players as you can put the difficulty down to story mode and you are invincible!

DC Justice League Cosmic Chaos Review Cons:

  • Cannot skip the opening credits scene.
  • It’s not always clear when you have a level-up.
  • In combat wise, each character plays the same.
  • Fast travel spots are not as ideal as you would think.
  • Climbing up to roofs is not easy.
  • You don’t actually get told about driving vehicles and that visiting a Port allows you to grab your character’s unique vehicle.
  • Combat is very mashy and repetitive.
  • Characters repeat their lines way too often.
  • The camera cannot be zoomed in or out making timed or accurate jumps impossible.
  • Rooms and layouts are very repetitive.

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DC Justice League Cosmic Chaos:

Official website.

Developer: PHL Collective

Publisher: Outright Games

Store Links –


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Accessibility - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


This is a fantastic DC game period. Yes, it looks and sounds like a kid’s game but honestly, I put more hours into this than I did Arkham Knights. The accessibility of this game was clearly a huge component for the devs and it shows, anyone can pick up a pad and get stuck in. The story is cheesy yet enjoyable with its light humor and slight nods to DC films and other characters. I like how it’s an open world and I can just fly around as Superman or drive the Batmobile up and down the roads and just do what I want. The combat is mashy but it works, the specials and abilities do help mix it up. Co-op is encouraged and does make it fun and definitely helps you forget how much each character line is repeated over and over. Single-player lets you swap effortlessly between the three main Heroes Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman. There are a lot of dungeons and set-piece scenarios that mix it up a bit, with loot chests and material drops the game does encourage you to explore and take on every optional side quest. It can all get a bit repetitive, especially in solo play but honestly, it’s a good game to just chill out with and have a bit of fun.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!