Demon Turf Review (PlayStation 5)

 For our Demon Turf Review, we take on a 3D platformer with attitude! Join Beebz in her ambitious goal of taking over the Demon Turfs and becoming the Demon Queen herself! Jump, spin, and punch your way across the turfs with unique mechanics like momentum-driven combat and self-placed checkpoints. Time to face the Demon King.

Demon Turf Review Pros:

  • Brilliant graphics.
  • 3.24GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • 3D adventure gameplay.
  • Colorblind support.
  • Ui scaling slider.
  • Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity sliders and rebind controls.
  • Two camera controls – Auto or manual.
  • Opening tutorial level.
  • End of a level breakdown showing how many jumps you did, kos, fails, time, trophy time, and how many sweets you collected.
  • Sweets are the hidden Collectibles.
  • You can have an arrow pop up and help find Collectibles.
  • Turf – at any time you can plant a Turf flag which allows you to fast travel between them all.
  • Online leaderboards.
  • Full excellent voice work of characters.
  • Very fast loading times.
  • Can skip cutscenes.
  • Jumps – double jumps, wall jumps, spin jumps, and combo them together to go further or higher.
  • Punching is your main attack and it can be charged to knock back bullets.
  • Stun enemies by jumping on them.
  • Photo mode complete with filters including a Gameboy style one, you can also take selfies.
  • Interact with furniture and sit down.
  • Zoom in on signposts to read them.
  • Replay levels as they get remixed and more items get added.
  • Collect sweets to then spend them on pets, upgrades, features, and customize your character.
  • Mini-games and side quests aplenty can be found in Forktown.

Demon Turf Review Cons:

  • The graphical style will not be for everyone.
  • The tutorial level is very slow and kinda boring with not a lot going on or a story unfolding.
  • Takes a bit of getting used to the style as it can affect the placement of jumps and attacks.
  • Annoying sound clips that play either randomly in-game or every time you enter a door.
  • The general jumping around doesn’t feel great.
  • Can get very difficult.
  • The pacing feels a bit up and down.

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Demon Turf:

Official website.

Developer: Fabraz

Publisher: Playtonic Games

Store Links –



Epic Games Store




  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


Demon Turf is a rather ambitious game, it adopts an art style that you either love or hate, it plays as a 3D arcade platformer with a huge emphasis on exploration and choice. You have a streamlined main questline but it also houses many side missions and game modes like football. You are going through levels to collect candy in order to unlock more features, more missions, and the ability to customize your character. I didn’t warm to the game for quite a while il be honest, the visuals pop but in reality, it messed up my perception, I just couldn’t line up attacks or anything and it flat out frustrated me at times. I did see glimpses of brilliance however from the colorful characters, the world, and the many jumping mechanics you can string together as they alone look pretty sweet. As I say you can basically play how you want and do what you want and that is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing, I managed to get through a whole lot of games but it wasn’t all smooth sailing. The reason I had a lot of issues and this was totally my fault was the game’s Gimmick is at any point as long as you have flags, you can plant it to create a checkpoint. I would either forget to do this or I would risk it for a biscuit and get burned as respawns generally put you a long time back. Something positive is the photo mode as you can do selfies, landscape shots and add many different filters including the rather sexy Gameboy green screen filter, I found I would actually take a lot of photos as they just make it so effortless. Demon Turf was a hard one to start and it can easily frustrate you but to be honest, it’s got so much to offer and charm that it’s very hard not to push through and see just how much variety there is. Overall Demon Turf is great, starts chaotic but eventually smooths out into a good 3D action game.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!