Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed Review (Xbox Series S)

Our Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed Review is all about Crypto who is back with a license to probe! The alien invader returns, groovier than ever. Experience the swinging ‘60s in all its chemical-induced glory and take revenge on the KGB for blowing up your mothership. You’ll have to form alliances with members of the very species you came to enslave.

Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 37.4GB download size.
  • 1000 Gamerscore.
  • Game settings – Hud display, damage numbers, focus mode, lock on, and vibration.
  • Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity sliders for the camera and flying saucer controls.
  • Streamer option for legal streaming music only.
  • Four difficulties.
  • Set in the 1960s.
  • Tutorial pop-ups as you play. (optional)
  • Ten save slots.
  • Action adventure gameplay.
  • Psychokinesis – grab anyone and throw them around the place to kill them.
  • Cutscenes are a mixture of in-game and CGI.
  • Can skip cutscenes.
  • Humor throughout.
  • Multiple choice encounters.
  • Full photo mode support.
  • Dislocator allows you to grab bigger objects, charge them up and make them bounce off buildings or the floor.
  • Full stats menu.
  • The cloning chamber is a menu with 50 unlocks for new character skins and colors.
  • Minimap shows objectives and interactive points in the world.
  • The Furon Handbook holds all the tutorials and info on controls or mechanics in the game.
  • Four sets of collectible objects in the world – prints, artwork, secret files, and new jukebox song records.
  • Full 3D camera controls.
  • Free love – is an ability that forces people to dance.
  • Body snatching is the art of taking over the body of a person.
  • Cortex scans allow you to read people’s minds.
  • Different characters you inhabit unlock different actions and reactions.
  • End of mission breakdown with an overall percentage and list of cells earned.
  • Your flying saucer can be repaired and used to fly around, cloak, and kill things with its death Ray!
  • Customize your flying saucer with unlockable skins.
  • Slurpmaster V8 is a weapon on your saucer that allows you to vacuum up humans and steal their DNA.
  • Furotech and DNA are needed to upgrade weapons and saucer guns.
  • Use certain human DNA to upgrade your psychic abilities.
  • Holoplex deck on your saucer allows you to replay previous missions.
  • Humans will grow wary of you and call the cops if they suspect you of anything, likewise being in someone else’s body can cause reactions.
  • Multiplayer has three modes – story Co-op, Duel mode, and PK tennis.
  • Local multiplayer.
  • Play how you want after you unlock the ability to just free roam around.
  • A lot of brilliant set pieces.
  • When in control of a human it looks funny and has a Men in Black vibe to it.

Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed Review Cons:

  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • Mission failure can happen with no real warning, you get you are going the wrong way type warning but it doesn’t say about how ignoring that means game over.
  • Pop-in happens a fair bit.
  • The slowdown in places.
  • The World feels kind of lifeless.
  • Takes some time to get used to the combat as there is a lot going on.
  • The text is small, especially on mission details.
  • Slow starter.
  • Multiplayer is local only with no online.
  • Feels a lot like the last game.

Related Post: Beyond The Wire Review (Steam)

Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed:

Official website.

Developer: Black Forest Games

Publisher: THQ Nordic

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed is very much building off the first game taking a lot of the gameplay from that and adding in new mechanics. Being able to swap out character skins and saucer skins helps keep it fresh and the fact you get a whole load at the start is great. Gameplay wise it really is business as usual, use your gun and unlock/upgrade it to cause damage like electricity or shoot your love gun to make people dance, it’s all in there! Then you have your psychic abilities that take a while to all unlock but again you can cause crazy Mayhem with them and upgrade them with DNA from humans. Must note that collecting DNA is fun as you do the whole tractor beam me up Scotty which looks great it must be said. The story is alright but to be honest the charms of this sequel are actually the Mayhem you get to cause yourself and watch how the game world reacts. Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed does have performance issues on the Xbox Series S like a slowdown, screen tearing, and pop and it is noticeable a lot of the time, the gameplay whilst fun is just the same game over again but in a new area. I was amazed that a game with so much to do and going on felt so flat and empty. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly but the world just felt more reactive to you than it did to exist in itself. It’s far from a blockbuster and far from being garbage, Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed is a good sequel to a good game and for that it is good.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!