DIG Deep In Galaxies Review (Steam)

This DIG Deep In Galaxies Review shows a game that is  Kinda like Mario Bros but with guns and explosions. And you can dig, too. It’s a roguelike, like most other indie games out there, so if you die you can start over again. And that’s not even the best part: you can get super powerful and combo-kick a lot of ass.

DIG Deep In Galaxies Review Pros:

  • Beautiful pixel art graphics.
  • 295.96MB download size.
  • Steam achievements.
  • Full controller support.
  • Remote play together support.
  • Graphics settings – fullscreen.
  • Rebind controls for both the keyboard and the controller buttons.
  • Roguelike survival gameplay.
  • Encyclopedia fills in as you discover enemies, characters, weapons, etc.
  • Online leaderboards.
  • Two ways to play – solo and with friends.
  • Friends have 3 modes – free the Galaxy, team challenges, and battle mode.
  • Solo has 2 modes – free the galaxy, and challenge mode.
  • Opening tutorial area.
  • The rope is used to help with traversal and climbing.
  • The environment is fully destructible.
  • In-game cutscenes.
  • 2D perspective.
  • Super attacks are activated when the bar is full, fill the bar by killing enemies.
  • Hit enemies and jumpers (dots) to gain a jump back allowing triple or more jumps.
  • Double jumps are standard.
  • Weapons wise you can have a melee and ranged weapon equipped.
  • Collect power orbs to increase your stats.
  • Four stats to upgrade – max HP, melee DMG, ranged DMG, and super.
  • Can skip cutscenes.
  • After finishing a planet you get to choose one of three skills/rewards..
  • Has a Broforce look and feel to it.
  • You can see enemy health.
  • Breakable objects covering the world.
  • Planet selection is done by you flying your ship around in a top-down solar system map.
  • The difficulty is tied to the planet and is tagged via a one to the three-star system.
  • Big boss fights.
  • Physics plays a huge part especially with the rope swinging and enemies dropping.
  • Find space stations to buy goods.
  • Planets show key info before you select it – mission, difficulty, reward, gravity, and material.
  • Crazy good animations and cutscene vignettes.
  • Twin stick shooting and also for using the rope.
  • When on a rope you stay connected until you press jump so you don’t need to hold a button down.
  • Find undiscovered planets and space rocks that house a self-contained event.
  • Loot chests everywhere.
  • Very addictive.
  • A lot of fun to play.
  • Can mine currency ranging from copper to platinum.
  • Weapons will have pop-up stats to help you with if it’s worth picking up with clear red and green numbers.
  • You can go to empty planets as they might have loot.
  • Scratches the Terraria/star itch.
  • Full inventory management.
  • Pick up and equip new clothes adding buffs.
  • Fall damage.
  • You can hit rockets back.
  • Icons do some good in guiding you, you are looking to do 3 missions, boss fights then a showdown.
  • Play how you want.
  • Boss encounters add higher difficulty ratings.
  • An end-of-run breakdown showing playtime and kills, gold, and completed missions.
  • Unlock new characters by progressing the story and rescuing them. Each has unique skills, stats, and inventory.
  • Every new run has you playing a small area to get the ship key.
  • The traversal is really fast and kinda cool if you time swings and attack.
  • Different weather effects and biomes.
  • Every run is randomized from planets to enemies to missions and loot.
  • Unlock new difficulties.

DIG Deep In Galaxies Review Cons:

  • No graphics settings.
  • The rope takes a lot of getting used to, more because it doesn’t stick to the side walls, only ceilings.
  • Fall damage.
  • You have to unlock new difficulties.
  • Can get overwhelming.
  • Melee especially early on is really dangerous.
  • Twin-stick directions stay and that can make for tedious moments.
  • The Ui is rather small.
  • Screen tearing is common.
  • Can feel a bit aimless.
  • Unkillable rocket launchers.
  • Cannot play online with randoms.

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DIG Deep In Galaxies:

Official website.

Developer: Motion Studio

Publisher: Raiser Games

Store Links –


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 9/10
    Fun Factor - 9/10


Dig Deep In Galaxies is the Terraria Roguelike you never knew you wanted! It’s a fantastic pixel art game where you select a character, steal your ship back, and go to ANY planet and explore, take on quests, level up, and get tons of loot. This is all wrapped up in randomized planets and full destruction that even Broforce players would love. The game is very accessible and it really does grip you almost immediately. Every time I boot the game up I’m always playing it for hours at a time and it feels like minutes. When you start unlocking new characters with unique stats and abilities it changes it all up. I love the loop of finishing missions that will have you move on to harder planets and bosses until the final showdown of that system. It never feels stale in terms of how you get to the boss but the planets can feel a bit samey, the balancing in some parts feels off as I never really had issues with getting tons of money and buying overpowered weapons and equipment. It is definitely a game that plays well in solo or multiplayer, it lends itself well to both. Honestly, it’s a game that appeals to many types of gamers and is overall a fantastic shoot-’em-up adventure Roguelike.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!