Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review (PlayStation 5)

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review, is a single-player, narrative-driven action RPG that challenges the players to choose their own experience – from the appearance of their Arisen, their vocation, their party, how to approach different situations, and more – in a truly immersive fantasy world. On your journey, you’ll be joined by Pawns, mysterious otherworldly beings, in an adventure so unique you will feel as if accompanied by other players while on your adventure.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review Pros:

  • Gorgeous graphics.
  • 64.44GB Download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Action RPG gameplay.
  • Tutorials will pop up as you play and the game’s opening Prologue is a huge tutorial within itself.
  • Free character creator app. (you can still use the creator in the game) no matter what the creator is one of the most in-depth ones I have ever seen.
  • Character choice – preset or created.
  • Four character vocations – Fighter, Archer, Mage, And Thief.
  • A full 3D world with 360-degree camera control.
  • Opening and ongoing tutorial pop-ups as you play.
  • Pawns are a unique part of the game where you can hire and summon other player pawns to fight alongside you they have their own traits and mannerisms but you can still give them equipment.
  • Unlock fast travel points with portcrystals that are always in town but you can carry up to ten with you to the place where you want.
  • The map unfolds as you explore.
  • Any points of interest or treasure will be marked on the map.
  • Main story quests along with optional side quests and tasks with full task management.
  • Buy and sell items and equipment with vendors, it will show who in your current party can equip certain items.
  • Combat is free form and can happen at any time.
  • Harvest materials from the world like flowers etc.
  • Play how you want.
  • Interactions with characters will determine what you can and cannot do with them and form different branching interactions.
  • Time plays a big part, tasks and quests are plentiful but do have time limits and time restrictions so you can’t just pick them all up and do them, it’s not possible to have everything done.
  • You get basic commands for your pawns like stop, follow me, attack, etc.
  • The world you explore looks beautiful and is full of intrigue and jaw-dropping vistas.
  • You can skip cutscenes and fast-forward character interactions.
  • Earn exp and level up to increase stats and get new abilities.
  • Save when you want.
  • Sleep at inns to regain all health and trigger a checkpoint.
  • Camping can be done with a camping kit and an old disused fire while camping you regain health and stamina, you can cook meat and earn boosts, and you can get ambushed when camping so it’s cool you have to clear out the area first if you want.
  • Pawns can harvest materials, and give advice or pointers to your quests.
  • Earned exp shows up on the screen.
  • You can loot bodies.
  • Pawn quests are set by the owner (you) and the person taking your pawn must complete the task for unique rewards and pawn badges within the game.
  • Full photo mode integration.
  • Your pawns level up independently to you, and other pawns.
  • I love how at any point you can get ambushed by enemies or feel the ground shake as an orge or troll just walks in.
  • Even when killed you have a small window to pause the game and use an item to keep you alive.
  • The whole passage of time mechanic means people and items won’t be in the same place every day and broken bridges and structures can be rebuilt over time.
  • Some Haptic Feedback.
  • The Maisters teaching is when you get a high rank with a vocation and get a tomb to unlock a powerful new skill.
  • All interactions are voiced.
  • Nighttime is a whole new experience as it’s hard to see, ambushes are more likely, etc.
  • Food can go off and rot.
  • You can revive pawns within a time limit.
  • Every piece of equipment and items/gear weighs something and you can become encumbered.
  • Have pawns carry items for you.
  • Rift portals are where you can hire and fire pawns but it also acts as a respawn point for your main pawn.
  • Wolves can grab you and drag you away.
  • All the elements are style mechanics at play like being on fire, getting wet, etc which amplifies other abilities.
  • Big huge monsters like Cyclops and trolls can be climbed on, downed, and grabbed to move them around.
  • Seekers tokens are hidden collectibles around the world and give out unique rewards when you hit Milestones with them.
  • Central storage can be accessed from inns and homes, food stores within it won’t go off or rot.
  • Upgrade, craft, and enhance equipment at blacksmiths with materials and gold.
  • Specialization is where you can have your pawns act even more independently which is both good and bad. You have control over which specialization they learn as they can only have one.
  • Hairdressers will let you change your appearance, hairstyle, etc for a cost.
  • People will come up to you at random times and will know some of the things you’ve done or the choices you’ve made.
  • Golden trove beetles can be found and these increase your weight capacity.
  • Ox carts act like taxis and can cart you around for a fee. It can still be ambushed even when dozing off.
  • When getting pawns from other players they can share information or suggest a route, at this point, you can choose to follow them.
  • Combat is mental once you get the hang of it and get your mojo and items right.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review Cons:

  • Horrible amount of microtransactions.
  • A lot to take in.
  • Slow starter.
  • The in-game pause menu is never-ending with its branching options.
  • The performance is not always flawless with a slowdown and stuttering.
  • I am not a fan of anything you drop off your character will always go headfirst and try and do the most damage possible to themselves.
  • It took a long while to feel like I actually got what the game was offering and knew what to do.
  • Surprisingly the game doesn’t offer a diverse stable of enemy types with them all looking the same.
  • You have to be so precise with regard to the interaction prompt showing.
  • Pawns repeat themselves a lot and can be very chatty.
  • Had the game checkpoint as I was dying so I just kept dying over and over and instead had to lose a load of progress to spawn back at an inn.
  • Had a lot of hard crashes.
  • Never actually sure when the game was last saved.
  • Paw conversations can get very grating.
  • You feel like you are just constantly taking in new mechanics and quests without realizing it.
  • The game just takes so long to get going so the first handful of hours is tedious combat and long treks across the world.
  • Enemies constantly respawn back and it makes simple treks a real slog.
  • Pawns can die so easily especially as the water is instant death.

Related Post: Highwater Review (Steam)

Dragon’s Dogma 2:

Official website.

Developer: Capcom

Publisher: Capcom

Store Links –


  • 9/10
    Graphics - 9/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Accessibility - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 9/10
    Fun Factor - 9/10


Dragon’s Dogma 2 is an action RPG that offers a visually stunning experience with its gorgeous graphics and a full 3D world with 360-degree camera control. The game provides a platinum trophy for achievement hunters and features a character choice system where players can choose from preset or created characters. There are four character vocations to choose from: Fighter, Archer, Mage, and Thief.

The game introduces its mechanics through tutorials that pop up as you play, with the game’s opening Prologue serving as a comprehensive tutorial. One unique feature of the game is the Pawn system, where players can hire and summon other player pawns to fight alongside them. These Pawns have their own traits and mannerisms, but players can still equip them with gear.

The game features a dynamic world where the map unfolds as you explore. There are main story quests along with optional side quests and tasks, all managed through a full task management system. Players can buy and sell items and equipment with vendors, and the game shows who in your current party can equip certain items. Combat is free-form and can happen at any time, and players can harvest materials from the world.

However, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is not without its flaws. The game has a significant amount of microtransactions, which some players may find off-putting. It can also be a slow starter, with performance issues such as slowdown and stuttering. Some players may find the game’s mechanics overwhelming, as there is a lot to take in. The game doesn’t offer a diverse stable of enemy types, and the interaction prompts require precision.

Pawns can be very chatty and repeat themselves a lot, which can become grating. There have been reports of hard crashes and issues with the game’s checkpoint system, where players have found themselves stuck in a death loop. The game takes a long time to get going, with the first few hours consisting of tedious combat and long treks across the world. Enemies constantly respawn, making simple treks a real slog, and Pawns can die easily, especially as water is instant death.

Despite these issues, Dragon’s Dogma 2 offers a unique RPG experience with its innovative Pawn system, dynamic world, and action-packed combat. It’s a game that encourages exploration and offers a high degree of freedom to the players. It is a game that goes beyond what the first game had and introduces many unique and fun interactions and actions. I got the feeling that the big monster fights took a lot of what Capcom learned from Monster Hunter and indeed new elements feel like the test bed for future Monster Hunter games. That said I enjoyed and will continue to enjoy Dragons Dogma 2 but man it was a long hard slog at first, I found the ranged characters to be be boring and slow but the melee characters allowed you to just get your smash on and proved to be a much better experience.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!