Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen: New Video
The latest slice of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen gameplay takes a look at a new category of enemies that players must face. Necrophagous beasts are a special breed that are drawn to the scent of decomposing flesh and can appear seemingly from nowhere.
Watch as a band of heroes descends into the depths of Bitterblack Isle and encounters the horrors below. After successfully defeating a ferocious Cockatrice, these stalwart warriors will encounter Necrophagous in various forms. Garms, a band of ravenous twisted lupine beasts that spew a blinding fog, descend on the carcass of the Cockatrice and attack the party; an Elder Ogre, a larger and deadlier form of its surface dwelling cousin, squares off with the party in a dark hallway; and most fearsome of all, the Cursed Dragon, twisted into a truly wretched foe by the darkest of magicks, bears down on the group, seeking to devour any flesh it can.
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen includes all of the content from the original Dragon’s Dogma plus a whole new underground realm for gamers to explore. Owners of the original game will be able to export their existing save data to continue their journey as the Arisen, while those new to the series can begin theirDragon’s Dogma experience afresh. Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen will be available from April 23 in North America and across Europe on April 26.