Everspace 2 Review (PlayStation 5)

For this Everspace 2 Review, we play a fast-paced single-player spaceship shooter with deep exploration in space and on planets, tons of loot, RPG elements, mining, and crafting. Experience a thoughtful story, set in a vivid, handcrafted open world full of secrets, puzzles, and perils.

Everspace 2 Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 26.74GB Download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Graphics settings – motion blur, chromatic aberration, and lens flare.
  • Gamepad settings- sensitivity/input smoothing and auto-aiming sliders, Invert axis for pitch/yaw and roll inputs. Automatic rolling and boost behavior (toggle/hold) and has two controller layout presets.
  • Camera views-first person cockpit, first-person no cockpit, third-person far, and third-person close. Both have a field of view sliders for individual third and first-person views.
  • Gameplay settings – screenshake behavior, slowdown when selecting equipment.
  • Color vision deficiency option with effect strength settings.
  • Initial tutorial to show controls.
  • Cruise drive-for traveling long distances.
  • Excellent voice work.
  • Space shooter gameplay.
  • Five difficulties – very easy, easy, normal, hard, and very hard.
  • You can earn trophies no matter the difficult choice.
  • Fast loading times.
  • Game difficulty can be changed in the game menu.
  • In-game cutscenes mixed with animated hand-drawn graphic novel-style cuts.
  • Controls are pretty easy to learn.
  • Super light travel-hyper drive style travel speed with autopilot.
  • Clear on-screen icons for controls, enemies, and missions, points of interest.
  • Can skip cutscenes.
  • Devices-both warfare (combat) and support (healing) can be fitted to your ship.
  • Companions-unlock them from doing tasks or bring certain materials. Each companion has a set of u unique skills and perks.
  • Satisfying combat.
  • Cool hangar entry scene with no loading times it’s seamless and works on entry and leaving.
  • Visually it’s gorgeous from the ships to the planets and lighting.
  • It’s like Elite Dangerous and Diablo had space sex.
  • Earn EXP and level up to get stats increase and device upgrade tokens.
  • Enemies can drop loot and you can pick it up by flying into it or by pulling it in with a tractor beam.
  • Ship editor-color, decals, lighting, cockpit.
  • Accessible in its approach to control and exploration and especially all the ways to travel.
  • Handy buy and sell current item option.
  • Very addictive.
  • Four rarity levels of loot-common, uncommon, rare, and superior.
  • Crafting-you can craft in any empty slot of your cargo hold (inventory).
  • Disassemble loot for materials.
  • Can increase inventory space.
  • Shops to buy and sell from.
  • Can mine ore, and find credits, loot boxes, and materials.
  • Little enemy strongholds to take out.
  • Shops have quick repair and quickly restock ammo buttons.
  • The ship remains can be entered and explored and work much like dungeons or instances.
  • Compare the gear/items button with red and green numbers to indicate if it’s good or bad.
  • Scanner-dictates the distance in which you can see things aka getting icons of loot.
  • Death-reload save.
  • Saves when docking or entering a new area.
  • Photo mode.
  • Ultimate depends on which one is equipped but you charge a special attack or defense.
  • They put dialogue in long travel sequences to make it seem shorter.
  • Items in the shop will show a little marker to indicate it’s got stats better than what you have.
  • You can upgrade or adapt ship parts.
  • Ship loadout slots-four weapon slots, energy core, shield, plating, sensor, thrusters, cargo unit, and four consumable slots.
  • Ship management is easy as you can click a slot and it will show all compatible parts.
  • Exploring ships and rocks is like a new adventure every time.
  • Missions-you have the main story ones and then you can find/trigger side missions.
  • Total freedom on how you want to play.
  • The game looks gorgeous and runs really well.
  • Pausing the game will bring up the activity feed of the last conversation.

Everspace 2 Preview (Steam Early Access)

Everspace 2 Review Cons:

  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • Coming out and going into superlight gives a black screen.
  • So much to take in.
  • Doesn’t offer a resolution or performance mode option.
  • You get looted early on with no explanation of what and how important it is.
  • Difficulty spikes.
  • The difficult choices don’t explain what changes or what happens with each choice.
  • With the way, the game saves you can lose progress easily.
  • Combat takes a lot of getting used to.
  • Hangs when going to the map tab.
  • Slow restart upon death.
  • Can’t save manually unless in a hangar.
  • Had screens lock up for no reason.

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Everspace 2 Preview (Steam Early Access)

Everspace 2:

Official website.

Developer: ROCKFISH Games GmbH

Publisher: ROCKFISH Games GmbH

Store Links –


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 9/10
    Fun Factor - 9/10

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!