Fight Crab 2 Preview (Steam Early Access)

Fight Crab 2 Preview, is a simple but deep fighting game where you flip your opponent over to win. Train your crab and fit it out with weapons, spells, and skills to raise the strongest crustacean ever! Just like the first game, Fight Crab 2 is a simple competitive game where you flip your opponent over to win.
The rules are very simple, but a wide selection of weapons, spells, and skills to experiment with, as well as a lot of gameplay skills for players to master, create an in-depth battle experience.

Fight Crab 2 Preview Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 3.81GB download size.
  • Full controller support.
  • Graphics settings – resolution, fullscreen, maximum frame rate, quality, and brightness slider.
  • Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity sliders, remap controls, control type (modern/classic), camera distance slider, and reverse X and Y controls.
  • Crab-fighting gameplay.
  • Avatar settings – color of armor, equipment, name, Emblem, voice, crab farmer, and commentary.
  • Vroidhub integration where you load your own VRM file.
  • Five game modes – online match, challenges, offline split-screen match, and career mode.
  • Excellent soundtrack.
  • Optional tutorial section with each mechanic/action broken down.
  • Nine initial crabs to play as.
  • Twenty-three additional crabs to unlock via earning shells in challenges an online play.
  • Each crab has unique stats for – weight, toughness, grip, technique, and agility.
  • Every crab has its level and earns its exp.
  • Before a fight select a load out for a crab which dictates what cards are available. You get five at the start and then unlock more.
  • Cards can be bought and equipped and they add things like powerful attacks, new attacks or abilities, etc.
  • Three career difficulties – normal, hard, and crabby.
  • You can name your crabs individually.
  • Stamina goes down when you hit a blocking opponent or swing your weapon, when it hits zero you drop your weapon.
  • Pincers allow you to block attacks but also grab your opponent and do damage.
  • To win you need to fill the damage gauge on an enemy and then flip them on their back for a 3-second pin.
  • Handy lock-on feature.
  • Controls are surprisingly simple to learn.
  • A wide range of attacks and defensive moves.
  • Your avatar rides the crab, you can get off and run around doing damage and collecting dropped weapons.
  • The career mode is you choose one of three events and each one advances time, you go through a year timeline and your crab grows older.
  • Photo mode.
  • Feels like a slowed-down robot wars-type game.
  • It’s a ton of fun to play.
  • Has a deep strategic layer or straight-up button mashing.
  • As you progress in the career mode you pick new weapons and buffs as rewards, when hitting level Milestones you can choose an attribute to increase.
  • Hilarious moments like crabs driving tractors or tricycles.
  • Drop and pick up new weapons.
  • You can have up to two crabs join you in career mode so when one dies/loses you can jump onto them and continue.
  • At the end of the year in your career, you can spend earned credits on as many new items as your wallet allows.
  • Parts of the environment can be broken and used as weapons.
  • Daily missions for rewards.

Fight Crab 2 Preview Cons:

  • No Steam achievements.
  • The camera is horrendous and has a mind of its own.
  • Movement is still not as smooth as it needs to be especially when trying to turn around.
  • The performance overall is up and down.
  • No voice work outside of the occasional musings of the Commentator.
  • It takes a bit of getting used to it all.
  • The avatar stuff is very basic.
  • Menus look simple but they are still confusing and messy.

Related Post: RC Revolution Review (Steam)

Fight Crab 2:

Official website.

Developer: Calappa Games

Publisher: PLAYISM

Store Links –

Steam Early Access

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!