Final Fantasy VII Gets Released On Steam, Fans Not Happy

final fantasy 7 hd steam

Released July 4th Last year, Square Enix finally gave all the fans a Final Fantasy VII HD version. Boasting better graphics, cloud saves, achievements and much more, Gamers flocked to their site to find that the game is exclusive only to their own SE platform. Knowing this information, Gamers still put their cash down and bought the game. Fast forward 12 months and we find Final Fantasy VII released on Steam. Good news for people who dont have the game, But what about the people that bought the game and supported the game just last year? Well hit the jump and see the response from a SE staff member regarding fans asking for a Steam key.

final fantasy


This message comes after the onslaught of comments left by gamers of the official announcement post found here. There is some good news, if you don’t mind buying the game again, You can use your cloud save from the old version and use it in the Steam version.


Should gamers be entitled to a Steam key? Have they been lied to in terms of the exclusive tag attached to the game? Or is it another case of people expecting the moon on a stick in which SE have no chance of pleasing everyone?


I personally bought the game direct only a few months ago, And yes it would be nice to have all my games in one place, I am fully aware I bought the game knowing (at the time) this wouldn’t be on Steam so I made my peace with it all upon checkout.


Final Fantasy VII is now available on Steam for £9.99/$11.99

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!