First Look: Chaos On Deponia

Chaos on Deponia, the Deponia-Saga’s second installment: Rufus is back! See Rufus strive to leave Deponia and reach the legendary floating city of Elysium, in this sequel to the adventure-hit Deponia. After the events in Deponia, Rufus came to his senses. He has grown prudent, amicable and kind, without any intention to cause major mayhem just to further his own selfish needs. It seems he is far from chaining himself to flaming saw blades, training torpedo-dolphins or splitting Goal’s personality into three parts…. Or is he? The second adventure on Deponia tells a unique, self contained story playable without further knowledge of the first installment. Fans of the first game discover new aspects of familiar characters’ backgrounds, and have previous questions answered nonetheless.

As an added bonus we also have some print off, cut out models of the characters, so you have something artistic to do whilst you wait for it to download. Il put a pic of what to expect and also a download link to the rest of the them.

Download link for the rest can be found here:

The game does have a certain charm about it and I am enjoying my time with it so far. Expect a full review in the near future, but now more news for you…..


We have joined forces with our friends at to give away a few codes so you can play this game for yourself. Code will be sent via DM on Twitter on the closing date of Sunday 11th November 2012. There are 4 ways in which to enter the competition:

  1. leave a comment on this article with your Twitter name
  2. Leave a comment on this article on with your Twitter name
  3. Retweet the competition tweet and follow @gertlushgaming
  4. Retweet the competition tweet and follow @ghost_wolfe

Good luck and the winners will be announced on Twitter and then upon acknowledgment a DM will be sent and enjoy the game. We would like to also thank our fine friends at Daedalic Entertainment for supplying us with the codes to their game.


The winners randomly picked out are as follows. If you havent won, thank you for taking part and keep an eye on the site for future give aways.

  1. @confuseddazzler
  2. sirclownfoot
  3. subspace69
  4. @repeatero
  5. nerdsking


Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!