Flashback 2 Review (PlayStation 5)

For this Flashback 2 Review, In the 22nd century, the United Worlds extends throughout the Solar System, but this tranquillity is threatened by the Morph invasion led by the fearsome General Lazarus. In search of his lifelong friend Ian, Conrad B. Hart dives once again into an action-packed adventure full of twists, turns, and revelations with the help of his allies and AI-powered weapon A.I.S.H.A.

Flashback 2 Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 7.38GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • 5 save slots.
  • Controller settings – can rebind controls.
  • 2.5D action-platformer gameplay.
  • Tutorial pop-ups as you play.
  • In-game cutscenes are a mix of character portraits and art with background animations.
  • Fully voiced main character.
  • Puzzle elements throughout.
  • Aisha is your Ai sidekick who helps with tutorials and explains elements of the story.
  • Traveling around the locations is done via a bike and you drive on a freeway and ring-road coming off at your location.
  • Traveling between areas is done via the rail system.
  • A bright neon futuristic landscape is full of bright colors and dark underbelly.
  • Twin stick shooter controls for the combat which is guns and melee when up close.
  • Stealth mechanic.
  • You can fast-forward and skip cutscenes and interactions.
  • Take on jobs from the job board to earn credits.
  • Mech-fighting mini-games can appear.
  • Medikits are littered around and enemies have a chance to drop them.
  • A hacking mini-game is a sliding puzzle where you make icons meet each other.
  • Special glasses allow you to see through walls and this is generally used in a puzzle or locked door capacity.
  • Fast easy d-pad up control for Medikits.
  • You have a dash and a shield to use for defense.
  • Enemies will have a meter above their heads to help gauge if they see you.
  • Great looking locations.
  • The world feels alive with people going about their business.
  • Find powerful upgrades for your weapons.
  • The lighting helps elevate the atmosphere, especially in the darker parts.
  • Interact with posters and find lore and propaganda leaflets around the world.
  • Clear interface.
  • The d-pad is used for action shortcuts.
  • Save point terminals can be found around the world.
  • Multiple choice questioning.
  • Changing the frequency in your headset analyzer scanner will show different nodes and cabling.

Flashback 2 Review Cons:

  • The bright neon colors bleed into each other and in places like the highway, it makes reading the signs and seeing traffic really difficult.
  • No actual game settings.
  • The camera cannot be controlled and in these areas, it can be hard to maneuver and go downstairs and enter doors.
  • The stealth is completely broken as enemies get alerted to you when in stealth and moving out of sight. Any noise is instant and all the enemies know exactly where you are.
  • Enemy shots are ridiculously accurate.
  • Had a few instances of being shot through the wall and environment.
  • Having melee work when you press shoot closely to an enemy is a nightmare when surrounded.
  • Takes so long to get going with many of the quests just being fetch quests.
  • Save points sometimes tell you the game is saved and sometimes it doesn’t.
  • Conrad (your character) is often rude and sarcastic which is grating but he just doesn’t act like you expect.
  • Many times I’ve had characters get stuck on the world or they just keep running into an invisible wall.
  • Combat is more guesswork and luck than skill.
  • At times an enemy encounter finishes once you kill all enemies and then this big hive thing (which is Invincible until you kill all enemies) and enemies have a knack of disappearing or being back several screens.
  • Enemies’ health seems to be made up with some being easy and some just being absolute bullet sponges.
  • The tutorial side of things is very weak and doesn’t really help a whole lot.
  • No Colourblind or accessibility options.

Related Post: Dungeons 4 Review (PlayStation 5)

Flashback 2:

Official website.

Developer: Paul Cuisset and  Microids

Publisher: Microids

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Accessibility - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


Flashback 2 is a 2.5D action-platformer game with decent graphics and a download size of 7.38GB. It features a fully voiced main character, an AI sidekick named Aisha, and a bright neon futuristic landscape. The game incorporates twin-stick shooter controls for combat and a stealth mechanic. However, the game has some flaws such as a lack of actual settings, a flawed stealth mechanic, and a combat system that relies more on guesswork and luck than skill. Despite these issues, the game offers a game that plays just like the original but doesn’t always feel like it’s advanced much outside of the visuals.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!