Freedom Planet 2 Review (PlayStation 5)

Freedom Planet 2 Review, The fast-paced platforming of Freedom Planet returns! Become a full-time cartoon heroine and use abilities and items suited to your play style to explore the world of Avalice and defend its animal citizens!

Freedom Planet 2 Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 1.10GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • You get the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 versions of the game.
  • Action platformer gameplay.
  • Can remap controls.
  • Screen settings – filter, auto-zoom, active guide, and text animation.
  • Assist settings – auto guard, no knockback, free revivals, and cheaper continues.
  • Own in-game achievements called badges.
  • The gallery shows unlocked cutscenes and photo albums, and you earn badges.
  • Ten save slots.
  • Four characters – Lilac, Carol, Milla, and Neera. Each has unique abilities.
  • Three difficulties – Beginner, normal, and expert. These effects damage dealt and received, additional items, and continued costs.
  • Optional opening tutorial.
  • Every character has a basic attack and an ability which all have different attacks depending on the direction pressed as you attack.
  • 2D platformer.
  • Plays like a Sonic game with its speed, the way you run up and around walls, etc.
  • Great group of characters.
  • The levels are massive and have so many layers and routes to them.
  • End of level breakdown with overall rank.
  • Constant checkpoints.
  • Levels are timed.
  • World map level select.
  • Really well-designed levels with little set pieces and sequences scattered throughout them.
  • Can replay levels.
  • Very fast-paced action.
  • Parry enemy attacks with the new Guard button but this is optional.
  • A lot going on from explosions to animations and levels breaking up to show more routes or set pieces.
  • Cutscenes are a mix of in-game sequences and character portrait interactions.
  • Levels have big boss fights at the end.
  • Potions can be collected and equipped to add new abilities or upgrade your lives, shields, etc.
  • Honestly plays and feels like a retro game but with modern gimmicks and mechanics.
  • No matter the difficulty you can use items to change and adjust the game in many ways but you do get more loot and rewards.

Freedom Planet 2 Review Cons:

  • Very Sonic the Hedgehog in many ways.
  • Feels more like a speed runner/race game with occasional combat.
  • The levels are so big and open that you can get lost or sidetracked.
  • Boss fights are not that difficult and are quite basic.
  • Tha game does take some time to show all its offerings.
  • The speed can be too much at times.

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Freedom Planet 2:

Official website:

Developer: GalaxyTrail

Publisher: XSEED Games

Store Links –


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


Freedom Planet 2 is an action platformer game that offers a decent graphical experience. The game has a manageable download size of 1.10GB and comes with a platinum trophy for achievement hunters. One of the highlights of the game is that you get both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions.

The game allows for control remapping and offers various screen settings such as filter, auto-zoom, active guide, and text animation. It also provides assist settings like auto guard, no knockback, free revivals, and cheaper continues. The game features its own in-game achievements called badges, which can be viewed in the gallery along with unlocked cutscenes and photo albums.

Freedom Planet 2 offers ten save slots and four playable characters – Lilac, Carol, Milla, and Neera. Each character has unique abilities, adding variety to the gameplay. The game offers three difficulty levels – Beginner, Normal, and Expert. These difficulty levels affect damage dealt and received, additional items, and continued costs.

The gameplay is reminiscent of a Sonic game, with its speed and the way characters run up and around walls. The levels are massive, with many layers and routes, and are timed. There’s an end-of-level breakdown with an overall rank, and constant checkpoints ensure progress isn’t lost. The world map level selection allows for easy navigation between levels.

The game is very fast-paced, with the option to parry enemy attacks using a new Guard button. The levels are well-designed, with little set pieces and sequences scattered throughout them. They also feature big boss fights at the end. Potions can be collected and equipped to add new abilities or upgrade your lives, shields, etc.

Despite its modern mechanics, Freedom Planet 2 plays and feels like a retro game. It’s very much like Sonic the Hedgehog in many ways, feeling more like a speed runner/race game with occasional combat. However, the speed can be overwhelming at times, and the levels are so big and open that you can get lost or sidetracked. The boss fights are not that difficult and are quite basic.

In conclusion, Freedom Planet 2 is a game that combines the charm of retro games with modern mechanics. It offers a variety of characters and levels, with a focus on speed and exploration. Despite some minor issues, it’s a game that offers a unique and enjoyable experience. It is a huge step up from the original game and somehow manages to innovate and entertain in a whole new way!

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!