Front Mission 1st Remake Review (PlayStation 5)
For our Front Mission 1st Remake Review (PlayStation 5) we are in the year 2090, the world’s conflicts are fought using giant war machines called Wanzers. Huffman Island, the only place where the Oceania Cooperative Union (O.C.U.) and the Unified Continental States (U.C.S.) share a land border is a hotbed of conflict. An O.C.U. reconnaissance platoon led by Captain Royd Clive is assigned to investigate a U.C.S. munitions plant. They are ambushed by U.C.S. Wanzers, triggering a series of events that plunges the whole island into war. Royd’s fiancée, Lieutenant Karen Meure, goes missing in action.
Front Mission 1st Remake Review (PlayStation 5) Pros:
- Decent graphics.
- 7.47GB download size.
- Platinum trophy.
- You get the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 versions of the game.
- Graphics settings – gamma slider and blur on/off.
- The tutorial is optional.
- Game settings – instant battle, instant movement, battle speed (normal/fast), and movement speed slider.
- Strategy Wanzer gameplay.
- The first mission acts as a tutorial going through combat and exploration.
- Original and Remastered soundtrack.
- Four save slots and a fifth autosave.
- Full sound test for both versions of the soundtrack.
- The help section is the controls for each part of the game like combat, map, and shops.
- Seven difficulties – Recruit, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, colonel, and general.
- Two versions of the game – modern and classic.
- Set your name and callsign.
- Two campaigns – O.C.U side and U.C.S side.
- In-game cutscenes and hand-drawn avatars for conversations.
- Modern mode – Remastered soundtrack, perspective view of the camera, freedom of camera movement, and fixes and improvements.
- Classic mode – classic soundtrack, orthogonal view of the camera, and the original game experience.
- Save and load when you want.
- Three types of attacks – melee, short-range, and long-range shooting.
- Turn-based combat.
- On your turn, you can see where you can move.
- Click conversations to speed them up.
- A grid appears to help make movement clearer.
- Terrain affects combat, movement, and cover.
- When in combat the camera goes in close.
- Earn EXP for each of the attacks and guarding.
- The combat option only shows up when a weapon is in range.
- At any time in the modern mode, you can bring up details of currently earned exp, weapon loadout, and stats on the various attacks.
- Attacks aim at different parts of the Wanzer so you can render a much useless.
- Each mech part has its own health bar.
- Really satisfying.
- Every encounter feels tense and unique.
- The world you fight in is dreary but has an unsettling beauty to them.
- Easy to learn controls.
- The game does a good job of helping you to know what’s available to you.
- End of a level breakdown showing off mission reward, kill bonus including a pic of the units destroyed, unit repair cost, and total.
- Fast loading times.
- In between battles you can save, and adjust the setup of your Wanzer and pilot. Go to the arena, use the shop, and chat with the characters.
- The arena is where you can go into one on one fights to earn money for the shop/upgrades.
- Skip cutscenes.
- You can have multiple saves on each game version.
- Really good fit for the Nintendo Switch.
Front Mission 1st Remake Review (PlayStation 5) Cons:
- Cannot rebind controls.
- No voice work.
- Doesn’t have any settings to have the text auto-scroll.
- Cannot Invert axis and sensitivity sliders.
- No Colourblind support.
- The game doesn’t have any leaderboards etc.
- Slow starter.
- You only get three difficulties initially and have to unlock the others.
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Front Mission 1st Remake:
Developer: Forever Entertainment
Publisher: Forever Entertainment
Store Links –
What I appreciate here more than anything is the fact that you can play the classic version or the upscale improved modern version. In that one instance, you appeal to both types of Front Mission fans. I tried both and they have their ups and downs but I stayed with the modern more as I had played the original a few years back so I wanted to check out fixes and improvements. If you have never played the series before then you are in for a treat, the Panzer strategy gameplay loop is devilishly addictive, and the world you play in is all levels of messed up but yet it’s appealing as it houses a lot of cover and tactical options. The controls are simple with a lot of on-screen prompting and reminding to help guide you. I cannot stress how well this plays, add in the perfect fit for handheld and you have yourself a game you can lose tens of hours in, with two campaigns there is always something to do. Forever Entertainment has done it again and brought us another classic game and put so much love into it.