Guacamelee’s Luchador Is Back With DLC

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Guacamelee’s Luchador is back! Return to Pueblucho dressed in eye-catching styles and hunt down new trophies too with the first DLC for Guacamelee! – code named Costume Pack!

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Each costume comes with a unique set of game-changing upsides and drawbacks:

  • ·        POLLO LUCHADOR: You’ll love the soothing caress of your always-regenerating health just as much as the soothing caress of your full-body chicken suit. Is that velvet? Just try to ignore the fact that your stamina doesn’t regenerate as quickly….
  • ·        SKELETON: Undead luchador not undead enough for you? Become even MORE undead! Tear through your enemies with the implacable stamina of an angry, brittle bone-person — but don’t expect much help from health pickups…
  • ·        IDENTITY SWAP: Tostada is dressed as a brawny wrestler! Juan is spooky and bandagewrapped! Cats are living with dogs! These alternate forms of the main characters have tougher punches but can’t throw for beans.

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For all you luchadores who like a challenge the Costume Pack will be sending you back into the world of Guacamelee! to face some exciting new trials. Put on your Skeleton-suit in the terrifying Caverna del Pollo, explore the countryside looking for the Chicken brothers, or showdown against Calaca while wearing only bandages.

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The Guacamelee! Costume Pack will be available on June 5th across Europe for €1.59/£1.25

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!