Kao The Kangaroo Review (Steam)
We go from the demo preview to our Kao The Kangaroo Review , marvel again at Kao’s beautiful and bright world that is filled with a host of colorful characters just waiting to meet you… in some cases (try to) defeat them! From wise-mentors, inquisitive inventors to big old bullies, the cast of Kao The Kangaroo is as memorable as it is expansive!
Kao The Kangaroo Review Pros:
- Decent graphics.
- 1.51GB Download size.
- Full controller support.
- Graphics – fullscreen, resolution, v-sync, max fps, brightness slider, anti-aliasing, and graphic presets.
- 3rd person action-platformer gameplay.
- Good voicework.
- Coins to collect.
- You can grab onto ledges and pull yourself up.
- Tutorial signs as you play.
- In-game cutscenes.
- Can skip the cutscenes.
- Simple familiar controls.
- Full 3D camera control.
- Cool new enemy/character splash screen intro.
- Checkpoints throughout the level.
- Levels have a timer.
- Boomerang totem pick up allows you to throw the boomerang to kill enemies or trigger platforms.
- Strong platform game.
- Three hearts then you respawn at checkpoints.
- Loads of hidden areas.
- Feels and plays a lot like Crash Bandicoot.
- Collectibles – many types like the letters Kao, gems, coins, scrolls, etc.
- Find extra lives.
- The level layout will always have branching paths and alternative routes.
- Treasure chests to find.
- Satisfying meaty combat. With boxing gloves equipped you can smash the enemies up and charge up a cool slo-mo overhead smash.
- Puzzle elements.
- Double jump is standard and this allows you to get back out of trouble like falling in water.
- End of level breakdown.
- Kaopedia – fills in with details and art as you find and collect items, unlock new moves and meet new characters.
- Scrolls can drop from enemies and this gives you lore about them.
- Use jump and slam to hit buttons and stun enemies.
- Each level is timed, has scrolls, letter, diamonds and coins to collect.
- You can replay levels.
- Simple yet effective grab and throw attack.
- Kao – collect the three letters to speel Kao and get a bonus reward.
- Expand your heart count by finding/buying four pieces of heart.
- The Dojo acts like a hub with a shop and location selection.
- Buy and equip new clothing.
- Extra lives can be found and bought.
- Break down doors and smash up houses for loot.
Kao The Kangaroo Review Cons:
- Cannot rebind controls.
- Not ideal for the keyboard and mouse.
- Checkpoints are weird as it saves some progress before death like coins and breakables but not the gems.
- Checkpoints are far apart.
- Dying in a boss fight resets the fight.
- Hard to judge jumps as the shadow of yourself is very weak/light.
- A lot of the cutscenes just cold cut happen and ruin the flow.
- Voice work sounds a bit cheese and forced in places.
- Invisible walls in stupid places.
- Never sure what water is too deep.
- Slow down in places.
- Checkpoints can be far apart.
- Hit detection is a bit off with jumping or swinging enemies.
- Never sure it has saved.
- To get the good stuff in the shop it does require a lot of grinding.
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Kao The Kangaroo:
Developer: Tate Multimedia
Publisher: Tate Multimedia
Store Links –
Kao The Kangaroo is back! I remember briefly playing Kao on the Dreamcast back in the good old days, Didn’t really have anything to say about it as 3rd person games like this were dime a dozen. OK so Kao The Kangaroo is back and he’s been busy! The graphics are nice, the colors bright and a strong sense of humor, for me the awesome combat is what you come for as it just feels meaty and meaningful. The platforming around finding the many Collectibles is a huge draw and they do pump a lot of content into the game. I finished the demo in around half an hour and had 90 percent of the Collectibles it was a great trip as it felt modern yet had the retro atmosphere. Sfter playing the demo for a substantial amount of time, the thing that Kao does is manage to nail the atmosphere of the era without sacrificing any modern twists. I find the game very playable and a good one of those, yeah course you will tire of the same gameplay loop bit dropping in and out every so often does the game wonders. Kao is back and a solid return.