KickStarter: Legend Of Dungeon

Legend of Dungeon is about looking for treasure in a dungeon full to the brim with monsters. Legend has it there is a massive treasure all the way down on the 26th floor. Your quest is to go down there, get the treasure, and make it back to the surface alive.

Unlike many other Kickstarters, You actually get the opportunity to try out a demo of the game before pledging! the demo runs in unity web and can be found here: obviously there will be a few bugs as the game isnt completed but it still allows you to sample whats to come.


  • 1 to 4 Player Cooperative Gameplay 
  • Real-Time Beat’em’up combat 
  • Permadeath
    …except with 2 or more players, you become a ghost, and have to collect spirit orbs to resurrect yourself. You’ll come back with low health, but you’ll be back in the game. Once you’re all dead though, thats it, game over man.
  • Dynamic Lighting and Real-Time Shadows
    Legend of Dungeon uses 3D Normal Mapping on low-res pixel art to create dynamically lit sprites.
  • The Artwork 
    Based on the character designs of Sebastiaan van Hijfte (svh440 of r/PixelArt fame). Each character is adapted and animated for use with the dynamic lighting.
  • Dynamic Music
    The music generates from tracks composed by David Dirig, it dynamically assembles based on the types of enemies you are confronting. 
  • Randomized Content
    Dungeon Layout, Monsters and Item placement, Potion Colors and Devices are all randomized each playthrough.
  • Online Score Board
    describing how you died and how much gold you collected.
  • DRM Free because no one wants that. 
  • Windows Mac and Linux
    Legend of Dungeon is made with the Unity game engine. 

UPDATE: Our goal was met in under 24 hours and we are now on our way to our first stretch goal. Share with everyone you know, if we keep this up we’ll reach the Over World goal! 


Our kickstarter goal is really just the bare minimum of what Legend of Dungeon could be. If our goal is met, we will (hopefully) release in January  After that, work will begin on the met stretch goals. Each will be released on completion as free updates to the game.

$10k – Pet system

Tame pets in the dungeon. Train them to collect gold and attack monsters!

  • Wolf
  • Bear 
  • Hawk 
  • Cat 
  • Rooster 

$20k – 4 Unlockable player classes!

  • Wizard/Sorcerer – Because starting with Magic Missiles is AWESOME
  • Doctor/Nurse – Support Class!
  • Thief – Pickpocket and Invisibility!
  • Knight – …the Tank

$30k – 4 More Unlockable Classes! 

  • Hunter – Starts with a wolf!
  • Cowboy/Girl – GUNS!
  • Necromancer – Summon stuff!
  • Bard – Has an Electric Guitar, Rocks Out!

$40k – More Pets\Companions! 

  • Succubus 
  • Dwarf (yes, the guy from the tavern!)
  • Robot 
  • Golem 
  • Valkyrie 

$50k – Dark Forest Expansion

Leave the Dungeon and explore the forest! Discover the secrets of the great spirit! All new Content! Hats, Monsters, Weapons!

$100k – Over World + Online and LAN Multiplayer

A Complete RPG with storylines, quests, multiple dungeons to raid and a huge world to explore! This goal now includes Online and LAN Multiplayer… and running your own Over World as a standalone server with support for many many more then 4 players. You asked for it, we want to make it happen!

About Us:

Robot<3Kitty is a husband and wife team working full time to create awesome games. The developer, Calvin (Robot) spends almost every waking hour hacking out code and dreaming up new worlds, when not in front of the computer he’s staring into space working in his head. His muse, Alix (Kitty) has been taking care of evil marketing and press releases, and other scary things Calvin doesn’t like to think about… but lately she has been more active creating art assets for future games.

Our previous work, Neverdaunt:8bit was an IGF finalist in 2011. Our studio and home is a treehouse, in the woods (in the summer) where we happily make videogames all day …and play with kittens.

We are kickstarting the game to pay the composer, purchase Unity Pro, buy a new dev machine, and of course, more coffee.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!