Ludde Review (Steam)

For this Ludde Review, we Explore a charming winter world with Ludde and discover various exciting, challenging, and fun activities for all ages! Roll big snowballs to create a snowman, snow shovel the yard, have a snowball fight with the neighbors, ice fish, practice slapshots in hockey, rent a snowmobile or put on your skis and ski down the mountain. All of this and much more is possible in Ludde.

Ludde Review Pros:

  • Nice graphics.
  • 5.09GB download size.
  • Steam achievements.
  • Full controller support.
  • Graphics settings – resolution, quality, weather effects, v-sync, brightness slider, draw distance, snow tracks, LOD, anti-aliasing, HDR, cull distant terrain, pop-in distance, fog, water reflections, fur, target FPS, and show FPS.
  • Two difficulties – Easy and normal.
  • Adventure gameplay.
  • A full 3D world with 360-degree camera control.
  • The soundtrack playlist lets you turn songs on and off.
  • Can Invert axis and sensitivity sliders.
  • Choose which controller button icons show.
  • Save when you want.
  • In the sandbox-style game world, find mini golf and slaloms, etc by completing a task beforehand.
  • Talk to the residents.
  • Very laid-back atmosphere.
  • The controls show on the screen as and when needed.
  • Coins can be found and collected.
  • Full map complete with create your own waypoints.
  • Whole set of items to collect from cameras to shovels and fishing rods etc. They are displayed like a tick list.
  • Puzzle elements in places.
  • One of the jobs is just straight up minesweeper.
  • Cannons can move you around for faster travel, or just use a snowmobile.
  • Find games like cards and jigsaws.
  • Play and do what you want.
  • Use coins to buy new items and accessories.
  • You can swim and dive around in the water.
  • Many Collectibles from golden bones to photos, posters, pine cones, and fast travel points.
  • You figure it all out yourself.
  • In your house is a set of shelves that shows off your Collectibles.
  • Fishing is cool, you can drill anywhere on the ice, move your lure up and down and you can buy new lures.
  • Big bombastic sequence when you collect a golden bone.
  • The map fills in as you discover items and meet people.
  • Your best time is shown on the events and you can replay them.
  • Great for kids.
  • It’s a game where you just chill and relax with it.

Ludde Review Cons:

  • The game just starts, with no intro, and no buildup.
  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • The song names are not correct as they show filenames.
  • You are left to learn it all out yourself.
  • Does get a bit janky in places.
  • You need coins to unlock fast travel points.
  • When finishing an event all the coins and bones just fall over the edge and you don’t automatically pick them up.
  • A few of the puzzles are baffling with no way to figure out what to do.
  • Coins just respawn in the same places so you have to farm and wait on them.
  • No online leaderboards.
  • Some events and puzzles may be too much for a younger gamer.

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Official website.

Developer: Shellander Games

Publisher: Shellander Games

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Sound - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


The game boasts nice graphics and a 5.09GB download size. It supports full controller support and offers a range of graphics settings, including resolution, quality, weather effects, v-sync, brightness slider, draw distance, snow tracks, LOD, anti-aliasing, HDR, cull distant terrain, pop-in distance, fog, water reflections, fur, target FPS, and show FPS. The game offers two difficulties – Easy and normal and features adventure gameplay in a full 3D world with 360-degree camera control.

Game World and Activities: In the sandbox-style game world, you can find mini golf and slaloms, etc., by completing a task beforehand. You can talk to the residents, and the game just starts, with no intro, and no buildup. The game world is filled with many collectibles from golden bones to photos, posters, pine cones, and fast travel points. You can also find games like cards and jigsaws, and play and do what you want.

You are left to learn it all out yourself, and it does get a bit janky in places. A few of the puzzles are baffling with no way to figure out what to do. Some events and puzzles may be too much for a younger gamer. However, the game has a very laid-back atmosphere, and it’s great for kids.

Issues: When finishing an event all the coins and bones just fall over the edge and you don’t automatically pick them up. There are no online leaderboards. The controls show on the screen as and when needed.

Overall, it’s a game where you just chill and relax with it. Despite some minor issues, it offers a variety of activities and a laid-back atmosphere that could appeal to many players.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!