Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Burst Forth Chorogon Breath Review (PlayStation 4)

For our MissMiss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Burst Forth Chorogon Breath Review, we meet Kobayashis who receives a cryptic email. “Let me show you something interesting.” She and her curious group visit Takiya’s house. When they examine his PC it goes crazy, emitting a blinding light. When the group recovers they realize they’ve been transported inside the computer! Miss Kobayashi and her friends will have to work together, using their skills and wits to complete every game and escape the cursed PC.

Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Burst Forth Chorogon Breath Review

Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Burst Forth Chorogon Breath Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 1.51GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Works on Playstation 5.
  • Japanese voice.
  • Shmup gameplay.
  • Story mode has 5 difficulties, 5 risk rates, 3 starting member choices, and conversations on/off.  Choose your order of stages.
  • Game settings – HP, D Gauge, Illust, vibration, and wallpaper.
  • Boss rush and stage exploration modes.
  • Freely swap between any character that is alive in a game run.
  • Full HP bar system in play with characters regaining health when in standby.
  • Fast loading times.
  • Controller buttons can be remapped.
  • Online and offline leaderboards.
  • Actions – shooting and powerbombs to clear the screen can be charged up.
  • Big boss battles.
  • End of a level breakdown showing treasure collected, medals, time taken, characters HP, enemies killed, and an overall score.
  • Treasure and loot can drop from enemies.
  • A handy button that resets you back to the bottom middle of the screen.
  • Bullet hell is extreme, especially on boss battles.
  • Medals drop from enemies and you auto-collect them.
  • Each character has unique shots and abilities.
  • Story mode is a one-life per character type deal and a game over resets the current level you are playing on.
  • Collect parts of images to combine them and add them to the gallery menu.
  • Excellent locations with animated backdrops.
  • Dragon Jewel – fill it up by killing enemies and once full it grants more powerful shots.
  • Combo counter.
  • Easy to play.
  • Feels a lot more engaging with loot and unlock drops.

Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Burst Forth Chorogon Breath Review

Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Burst Forth Chorogon Breath Review Cons:

  • The tutorial is very basic and doesn’t even tell you what buttons do what!
  • Cannot see the controls in the pause menu.
  • Short game with only a handful of levels.
  • Sound effect noises are really loud and intrusive.
  • So many things are missed and it’s only when you catch them on the loading screens that you learn about them.
  • Difficult.
  • Takes ages to build up the Dragon Jewel.
  • Hard to know what’s an enemy and what’s the background.
  • Unless you know the characters and the world, all the images and treasures are pretty pointless.

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Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Burst Forth Chorogon Breath Review

Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Burst Forth Chorogon Breath:

Official website.

Developer: Kaminari Games

Publisher: Aksys Games

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Sound - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Accessibility - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Length - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Burst Forth Chorogon Breath is not a franchise I am overly familiar with, I  know it’s an Anime and there are games and that is where it ends. OK so here we have a Shmup that combines the action and gameplay you expect from the genre and then they add in an almost loot drop system. You collect parts of an image to build up the complete picture, adjust treasure drop rates to have chests drop, and unlock random loot. The game allows you to adjust many aspects of the difficulty and loot drop. The actual gameplay is fins, 3 different characters each with unique shots and abilities, you can freely swap between them and the only thing is you need to beat all five levels in one go. That’s another thing I don’t really like is that the game is very short, it offers only a loot collection for replayability, and as I said I don’t have full knowledge of the franchise so all the images and treasures are kinda pointless. At the end of the day, the game is fine but after one sitting you will struggle to come back for more.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!