Neverawake Review (Steam)

For this Neverawake Review, we go to a unique world with its high-quality hand-drawn graphics and beautiful animations. The enemies are not demons…but vegetables and dentists that the girl hates. Things and creatures that everyone has had a bad experience with at one time or another become monsters and attack the protagonist “Rem”.

Neverawake Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • Download size.
  • Steam achievements.
  • Full controller support.
  • Graphics settings – resolution, fullscreen, and graphics quality preset.
  • Optional opening tutorial.
  • Twin stick shooter gameplay.
  • Enemies come from all sides of the screen.
  • Auto-aim option is available.
  • Souls are what you collect to fill the level completion bar.
  • Dash allows you to avoid taking damage.
  • The special move has limited uses within a level.
  • World map level select.
  • Fast loading times.
  • Even with auto-aim on you can still do the aiming manually.
  • End of level breakdown.
  • Big boss encounters.
  • Projectiles fall into two camps – shoot them to eradicate or dash through them.
  • Oversoul is an option at a game over where you can pay with souls and go back in with more firepower.
  • Souls also act as currency.
  • The result tab in the menu acts like a leaderboard of your scores and ranking.
  • Accessories can be unlocked and equipped to add new buffs and abilities.
  • Unlock and equip new special attacks.
  • The auto scrolling of
  • the level can change direction.
  • Diary entries unlock as you play and give you more of the story.
  • The levels get more intricate and add obstacles and environmental hazards.
  • Loadout allows you to equip 3 accessories and one special attack weapon.
  • Bite-sized levels.
  • Very accessible and quick to pick up.
  • Levels can have branching paths so it allows you to replay levels and skip harder levels.
  • In-game cutscenes.
  • Four controller layouts.
  • Can skip cutscenes.

Neverawake Review Cons:

  • Minimal graphic settings.
  • Cannot rebind controls for both keyboard and the controller.
  • Doesn’t have any online leaderboards.
  • When you hit 100 percent on a level it just abruptly ends.
  • The end of the level breakdown flies past and makes it hard to read.
  • Constant difficulty spikes.
  • Small playing area.
  • The levels themselves are short but you keep looping round and round until you fill the bar.

Related Post: Casual Challenge Players Club Review (PlayStation 5)


Official website.

Developer: Neotro Inc. 

Publisher: PHOENIXX

Store Links – 


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Accessibility - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


Neverawake is a nice little shooter, it has a great art style and uses a twin-stick shooter control scheme. You fight through your character’s Nightmares and collect souls so you can wake up and escape the nightmare. In reality, it’s a shooter where you collect souls to fill your bar and finish the level. Boss battles fill the screen and are more of a lesson in bullet dodging whilst residing in a bullet hell scenario. The play area is rather small and this makes it all much harder but also adds in a pinch of frustration as you just cannot see what’s happening or the mix of environmental hazards and enemies making it a right-ass kicker. Neverawake doesn’t really have a unique spin on anything instead focusing on making an accessible fun short bursts experience that players of any skill level can enjoy.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!