Once Bitten, Twice Dead Coming To Steam And Wii U

Once Bitten, Twice Dead (8)

Today Dark Day Interactive today are pleased to announceOnce Bitten, Twice Dead, a horror survival title, is now on Steam Greenlight and will be released on PC and the Nintendo Wii U.

Once Bitten, Twice Dead (12)

A heady mix of action adventure, horror and survival, Once Bitten, Twice Dead will land players in the middle of a virus pandemic that’s mutated living things into undead munchers.

Once Bitten, Twice Dead (10)

Humanity have holed themselves up in camps after the ‘falling’ – a catastrophic event that spawned the munchers, survivors only venture out for precious building materials, guns and ammo, and, of course, food and water.  Do you have what it takes to lead a team to survive? Or are you a lone wolf, looking after number 1?

Once Bitten, Twice Dead gives you the freedom, to play how you want to play.

Game features

  • True open world environment
  • Venture alone or in a multiplayer team – remember, there’s strength in numbers
  • Take control of vehicles to explore the huge game environment
  • Harvest, craft, cook and survive
  • Random boss encounters
  • Competitive arenas and death match modes
  • Outbreak mode, where YOU play as the infected


Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!