Patch Quest Review (Steam)

For our Patch Quest Review, where we play The ONLY Roguelike-Metroidvania fusion where you can mount and ride EVERY monster in the game! Get ready to Leap, Glide, Tunnel, Bite, Slither, Websling, and Explode your way through a shuffling patchwork maze. Survival depends on bending the forces of nature to your own ends!


Patch Quest Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • Download size.
  • Steam achievements.
  • Full controller support.
  • Set the controller buttons too – Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, or Steam.
  • Graphics settings – resolution, v-sync, anti-aliasing, outlines, and fps cap.
  • Colorblind support.
  • You can change shot colors from both sides.
  • Gameplay settings – lasso on defend, auto-aiming, show framer ate, gold rewards, and enable screenshot mode.
  • Can rebind controls for the mouse and keyboard.
  • 3 save slots.
  • Discord sync (optional) earns you special roles.
  • Character creator – eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. Male and female models along with random roles for each gender.
  • Casual mode – on/off.
  • Intro/tutorials can be turned on and off.
  • PAC is your talking backpack friend who gives out tips and tutorials.
  • Lasso an enemy/creature to capture them.
  • Each enemy once caught can be mounted and have unique abilities and attacks.
  • The act of the lasso is grabbing them and then running around them.
  • 2D perspective. The game takes place in tiles so you can move all around it.
  • Twin stick shooter controls when using weapons.
  • After clearing or moving through a tile you can choose your next direction.
  • Tiles and patches get randomized every time you go out.
  • You have a home base.
  • Pin press is a device that allows you to catalog the plants and inhabitants of the world.
  • Find Totems where you can trade health for state upgrades.
  • An animation window pops up showing what ability your new mount has.
  • Very colorful and inviting.
  • The map fills in as you play.
  • Enemies can drop stats boosts and abilities.
  • Find lore about the land and the people by deciphering stone tablet monuments.
  • Gets very chaotic.
  • Use your mount and level it up to unlock new attacks, abilities, and a super-powerful attack.
  • Find fast travel points.
  • Earn EXP from pin press entries and use the massive skill tree to unlock new permanent perks.
  • Suggested goals are a list of optional objectives.
  • Your home base houses all your discoveries.
  • Unlock new areas/biomes by finding the crystal that is locking them.
  • Play how you want.
  • Plants/fruit play a massive part as they give ammo amd different ammo types like rapid fire, big shots, etc, plants can also grant temporary buffs when you brush past them.
  • Records act like a Pokedex and show all monsters you have successfully mounted/lassoed/caught.
  • Save and quit option.
  • Enemies get stronger as you push forward in the dungeon runs.
  • No game is ever the same.
  • A lot of environmental hazards.
  • Blend ammo types (fruit) together to make unique and powerful new ones.
  • Easy to understand Ui, the left side is your ammo selection and the right side is your mount’s abilities and which button they are assigned to.
  • A lot of fun to play.
  • It just destroys your game time.
  • Charms are buffs that only last that one run.
  • Gopems are like mini-boss fights.
  • Find shrines for one-off dungeon events.
  • Captured mounts can be sent back to your camp and kept as pets.
  • Pets will have a set of desires for you to collect.
  • Your camp can be redesigned and items moved.
  • Bigger or stronger monsters can take more to capture.

Patch Quest Review Cons:

  • Cannot rebind controls for the controller.
  • The runs are very long.
  • The game is not great at explaining everything.
  • Areas are very small making combat tedious.
  • It takes a while to get going.
  • The pin press tool is on a massive cool down.

Related Post: Blood Bowl 3 Review (PlayStation 5)

Patch Quest:

Official website.

Developer: Lychee Games

Publisher: Curve Digital

Store Links – 


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Accessibility - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


Patch Quest is a great game that offers a lot of unique experiences woven into a predominate bullet hell game. Use your lasso to grab a creature and circle it to capture it and ride it, as you kill others your creature levels up and unlocks new attacks and defensive abilities. Then you have twin-stick shooting, Metroidvania elements, a one-run one-life roguelike amd a Pokedex-style collection habit… Annnnnd that’s before I mention that you pick up fruit to use as different ammo types., you can mix them together for even more ammo choices but no you also have the plants of the world helping/hindering you! Brush past a Bush and you can get itchy or get mud on you so you shoot slower or maybe you get a speed boost. It’s a crazy amount of content and game genres wrapped up in such a way that after a run or two you know what’s going on as they have made a game accessible and fun to play. I did find I would tire of runs at times or that they took too long to mix up enemies but overall I found Patch Quest to be the perfect genre mashup.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!