PixelJunk Eden 2 Review (Nintendo Switch)

PixelJunk Eden 2 Review (Nintendo Switch)

From the mind of Baiyon, creative director and hypnotic soundscape composer, for both the award-winning Pixeljunk Eden and Eden Obscura, comes Eden 2, an exploration of life, color, and collaboration as Grimps reinvigorate and revitalize the world in a swath of luminescence, painting upon a lush canvas as they play.


  • Awesome graphics.
  • 710MB download size.
  • Opening tutorial.
  • Beautiful soundtrack.
  • Game-collect pollen and deposit into Spectras. Fill these Spectras up to finish the level.
  • Actions-you can hold onto a plant and the swing in a circle, press a direction to jump, hover in mid air, and jump again.
  • Collect Spectra and level up to unlock new Grimps and gardens/levels.
  • Grimps-the characters of the game that you play as, find other Grimps who have different buffs and abilities.
  • Two-player local co-op support.
  • Each garden/level has five possible variants.
  • Garden timer-you have a set time limit but there is ways to reset or add to the timer.
  • Pollen can also go to seeds which will then grow a plant so you can go further in the level.
  • Play how you want.
  • Zen-like experience.
  • Can replay levels.
  • Gets almost hypnotic.
  • Spices-found in levels by growing new plants. each spice gives a particular effect from things like faster swinging to more garden time.
  • Spice rack-before a level select 3 spices to use.
  • Diamonds-found in-game for bonuses but also for making your Grimps better.
  • Pollen will disperse and when hit again will make their way towards the nearest seed or Spectra.
  • Pulsating ring markers you see guide you to the Spectra location.
  • So beautiful to see the world grow around you.
  • A lot of wow moments.
  • You can move pollen towards you when you hover but can also do this whenever you want and drag them towards you for a short time.
  • To stop the abuse of the swinging you only get a short-timer when using it but can upgrade it.
  • Meet Grimps in level who do something for you like blowing up all pollen so it’s released.
  • Bright vibrant colors.
  • Levels change on the fly in regards to the color palette and layout.
  • Find secret seeds and characters as you plant seeds.
  • Double figure story playtime.

PixelJunk Eden 2 Review (Nintendo Switch)


  • Movement takes a lot of getting used to.
  • Basic tutorial.
  • No touchscreen.
  • Levels can be a mixed bag in terms of length.
  • Slow to unlock new spices.
  • Hard to see level-up progress.

PixelJunk Eden 2 Review (Nintendo Switch)

  • 9/10
    Graphics - 9/10
  • 9/10
    Sound - 9/10
  • 8/10
    Accessibility - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 9/10
    Fun Factor - 9/10


PixelJunk Eden 2 is an absolute dream to play, it has a soundtrack and graphic style that is so welcoming and endearing. I spent hours just swinging around this empty space, planting my pollen into seeds and watching them grow so I could in turn use them to swing from. Never before have I found a game that allows you to in essence lie back and just let it happen, sure the last game was like that but this is different. Could be because it feels more intimate with it being on the Nintendo Switch or it could be the many personalities of the Grimps? The Grimps are the characters you are in the game, they each have a unique ability about them like longer swing times or a better jump, whatever it is it makes the game different with each Grimps, you can unlock by leveling up and you can meet them in the levels and they will aid you. The leveling up system is simple enough, finish enough levels and your rank goes up that opens up new gardens/levels, spices, and Grimps. To further maximize or mix up a level you have 3 spice slots. Spices are game changers and do things like the Grimps do, they can give you more garden time, make pollen come to you faster, or many other things, they have a set amount of uses and you can get more of them by planting seeds and filling the many progression bars that carry over between gardens. The soundtrack is just as good as it ever has been and the overall style of the game is one of color with gardens changing to your planting and I feel like it changes with the music. Yes the movement does take some getting used to and yes it is my only gripe with the game but you will get over it and you will discover why I think PixelJunk Eden 2 is one of the best games on Nintendo Switch.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!