Pompom The Great Space Rescue Review (Steam)

For this Pompom The Great Space Rescue Review we play a game where you don’t actually control Pompom and his hamster’s movements, you control everything else. Lay down blocks, springs, cannons, umbrellas, use whips, and alter the world, creating a safe path for Pompom to defeat the evil Captain Cat.

Pompom The Great Space Rescue Review Pros:

  • Cartoon graphics.
  • 404.62MB download size.
  • Full controller support.
  • 3 save slots.
  • Two graphic styles – pixel and smooth.
  • Puzzle platformer-style gameplay.
  • Pompom will automatically walk forward and jump, your job is to use the resources available to aid him in advance.
  • Constant checkpoints.
  • The freeze time bar shows how long you have and automatically regenerates.
  • Opening tutorial section.
  • Second chance bubbles capture Pompom when he falls off a level and you can direct it then pop it.
  • Graphics settings – fullscreen, resolution, Snes mode, smoothing, and screen shake.
  • Speed run mode support.
  • The second chance and size of the freeze timer can be adjusted.
  • In-game cutscenes.
  • Can skip and fast forward cutscenes.
  • World map level select.
  • Each level has a collectible.
  • Reset to the checkpoint menu option.
  • Retro atmosphere.
  • Very easy to learn levels will have X amount of coins to collect.
  • Autosaves after every level.
  • Bite-sized levels.
  • Cheerful soundtrack.
  • Easy to learn controls.
  • Grid overlay can be turned off and on to help with placement.
  • Eight worlds with a dozen or so levels in each.
  • Clever boss battles.

Pompom The Great Space Rescue Review Cons:

  • No Steam achievements.
  • The huge learning curve in terms of judging how far Pompom can jump.
  • Slow starter.
  • Difficulty can feel a bit spiky.
  • No real reason for bothering with the Collectibles.
  • No replay value.
  • The game doesn’t change it up enough.

Related Post:

Pompom The Great Space Rescue:

Official website.

Developer: Tomo Camp

Publisher: PID Games

Store Links – 


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Sound - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


A very Cutesy game, Pompom is a loveable little character with a death wish! He will blindly walk and jump forward whenever he can and you have to use your freeze bar to stop time and build him a path with anything Pompom has collected. It’s a cool concept as it mashes platforming with a bit of puzzle-solving. I really liked how easy and quick it was to learn and of course having a brilliant art style with 16 Bit graphics and a cheery upbeat soundtrack only amplified it. Levels are relatively small so you can knock a few out at a time before the monotonous feelings begin to well up, it’s that monotonous feeling that drags the game back. It does offer new ways to play but it’s kind of linked to the world so you grow tired of anything new then wait for the next new thing which is sometimes good sometimes obvious. I do like the core gameplay but it had to be experienced in small chunks and honestly would suit a mobile more than the big screen but it’s still a good crack from time to time. Pompom is a breath of fresh air and a great polished little platformer.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!