Preview: Overruled Early Access

Overruled  (13)

Overruled is a multiplayer brawler like no other – players change the rules as they play, directly influencing the dynamics and direction of combat. The player with the most points at the end wins the game! Use over 25 change ’em-up cards to mess things up, no game is ever the same.

Overruled  (8)


  • Cool cartoon vibe graphics, The characters look fantastic almost like little Funko warriors running around.
  • Full 360 pad support.
  • Video options allow you to change resolution and AA.
  • Two game modes are single player and multiplayer. Mulitplayer branches out to local and online play for up to 4 players.
  • Gameplay is varied as there is a handful of game types like pass the fire (tag) checkpoint racing to headhunter (kills). Every multiplayer game will randomly select a mode and continue to do so on a cycle rotation. In short, You never know what you are going to be doing!
  • Cards, No not Steam cards are used to change the whole aspect of the game. These are proper old school game changers, They can do things like swap scores around of players, allow you to score double points, mess with the game type or even put first place into last place! You collect cards in game and can hold upto 3 and cycle through the ones you have and want to use.
  • Card description is top left so you know what they will do before deploying them.
  • Steam cards!
  • Tutorial and pop ups appear through out the game but are more common in the single player.
  • Single player is a collection of mini levels where you face off against AI or against the mother of all evil…time itself! Each level gives you an objective,some cards and a timer running down. Perform well to earn bronze,silver and gold cards.
  • Multiplayer gives you access to all characters currently available and they are just cosmetic so its all a level playing field.
  • Handful of levels to play each with different layouts and backdrops. Course it also has the random level button for those who just cannot decide. In mp all players can vote and the most voted level wins.
  • Over 20 different cards are in the game and are random.
  • Online multiplayer is where the fun is, Battle through ever changing game modes and try your best not to smile as you crush your opponents.
  • Controller layout is on every loading screen so you are always prepared.

Overruled  (7)


  • No v-sync options in the video section.
  • Connectivity issues when trying to join games it may never find anyone or give you a router not found error. Its being worked on but is a thing worth mentioning.
  • Slight learning curve to it all as you earn how the cards affect the game.
  • Single player is still quite rough with only a few levels on offer. A few of the level objectives are not very well described and getting gold is quite tricky.

Overruled  (11)

In Summary, The game is awesome fun in online multiplayer. Do not buy this game for single player just yet but do get it if local or online fun is your bag. A few niggles with connection but the game is getting daily updates and hot fixes so its only a matter of time until the team fix it all up. The gameplay is fast and frantic, Playing against randoms has never been so much fun and I usually hate it! Its a game that is perfect for a nights competition between mates or a game to start off a marathon session. The controls and gameplay are easy to learn so the whole family can jump in and have at it. For an early access game it does have a lot of content already and with more in the pipeline its only going t get better. One to get now for sure, more players are always welcome and the devs have a habit of being online playing alot so its a nice to see incentive. Go grab it and have some fun. I have a few suggestions on what I would like to see in the future but il save that list for another day. The multiplayer is very akin to Bomberman from back in the day with its broad appeal and good solid gameplay.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!