Rallyallyally Review (Steam)

For this Rallyallyally Review, we play a chaotic, local multi-player, party racing game where you compete with other drivers to roll out the road, carve up the landscape, and decide the route to the finish line. As the leader of the race, you’re in control of the track, you decide the path to victory. But to hold on to that lead you’ll need to use your skill, reflexes, and a giant boxing glove on a spring. Mostly the boxing glove.

Rallyallyally Review Pros:

  • Nice graphics.
  • 390.06MB download size.
  • Steam achievements.
  • Full controller support.
  • Graphics settings – resolution, mode, and v-sync.
  • Gameplay settings – vibration and double tap to boost.
  • 15 car models from tractors to cars, and buses.
  • Eight players – you can have local players or add bots.
  • You choose how many players/bots to have in a game.
  • Party race gameplay.
  • The game is about grabbing the road and then driving it to a checkpoint. It is also a race so if you don’t have the road it’s still worth points to place high.
  • Power-ups are all over the world.
  • Massic arena to play in.
  • There is multiple checkpoints and you can choose any one to enter.
  • Big bright graphics and cars.
  • Simple controls.
  • Easy to teach and learn.
  • Earn points each round, one game is three rounds.
  • Crazy chaotic.
  • If you go off the screen there is a timer and once depleted you get put back into the action.

Rallyallyally Review Cons:

  • The tutorial is just a few text boxes.
  • Feels like a tech demo.
  • It’s a game that is only fun with other real players.
  • No difficulty options.
  • Only one world to race in.
  • No leaderboards.
  • Cannot remap controls.
  • No way to customize your car or change your name. (by default you are just called player 1)
  • It is hard to get back into the game once knocked back.
  • Takes a while to get used to what the power-ups do.
  • No online multiplayer.
  • The road gimmick is good but it is just a case of if you have the road you are in first place.
  • Little replay value especially for a solo player.
  • The controls are loose.
  • All cars handle the same.
  • The camera can go a bit erratic at times.

Related Post: Truck & Logistics Simulator Review (PlayStation 5)


Official website.

Developer: Hairy Heart Games

Publisher: Hairy Heart Games

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Length - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


Rallyallyally is a game with nice graphics and a download size of 390.06MB. It offers Steam achievements and full controller support. The game provides basic graphics settings, including resolution, mode, and v-sync. Gameplay settings include vibration and double tap to boost.

The game is about grabbing the road and then driving it to a checkpoint. It’s also a race, so even if you don’t have the road, it’s still worth points to place high. The controls are simple, but they are loose and cannot be remapped. All cars handle the same, and the camera can sometimes be erratic.

There are 15 car models to choose from, ranging from tractors to cars, and buses. The game supports up to eight players, and you can choose how many players/bots to have in a game. However, there’s no way to customize your car or change your name.

The game features a massive arena to play in with multiple checkpoints that you can choose to enter. Power-ups are scattered all over the world. However, there’s only one world to race in, and it takes a while to get used to what the power-ups do.

Rallyallyally feels like a tech demo and is only fun with other real players. There are no difficulty options, no leaderboards, and no online multiplayer. The game has little replay value, especially for a solo player.

The game features a unique road gimmick, but it’s just a case of if you have the road, you are in first place. If you go off the screen, there’s a timer, and once depleted, you get put back into the action. You earn points each round, and one game consists of three rounds. The gameplay can be crazy and chaotic, but it’s easy to teach and learn.

Overall, Rallyallyally seems to offer a unique and chaotic racing experience with a high level of simplicity and a unique road-grabbing mechanic. However, it lacks some features like difficulty options, control remapping, and online multiplayer, which might affect its replay value.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!