Real Farm Premium Edition Review (Xbox Series S)

Check out our Real Farm Premium Edition Review as we grow our way to success. We work our way up from nothing in the career mode or start with an established farm in free mode. Complete jobs and manage land, crops, animals, and staff as you strive to become a respected farmer in the community.

Real Farm Premium Edition Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 1.8GB download size.
  • 1000 Gamerscore.
  • 3 save slots.
  • Comes with the Potato pack and Grunes Tal map DLC.
  • Two maps – Windmill Springs and Grunes Tal.
  • 3 difficulties – Easy, normal, and hard. This affects interest rates, manual startups, and costs.
  • Two game modes – career (work towards owning a farm and new equipment) and free. Free is where you have a farm and some equipment and play how you want.
  • Optional tutorial.
  • Farm management sim gameplay.
  • Fast loading times.
  • Four camera driving views including in the cab.
  • Save when you want.
  • Help section that is text-based.
  • D-pad is used for fast vehicle swapping.
  • The map shows all locations and points of interest.
  • When out of the vehicle you are in the first person.
  • Can put down a custom marker.
  • Play how you want.
  • Handy button icons and pop-up menus.
  • Walk up to icons and it will tell you what it does but also how to do it.
  • Good handling of the vehicles.
  • Job boards will show the time allowed for the job and payment.

Real Farm Premium Edition Review Cons:

  • The tutorial is just attaching two pieces of equipment and then plowing a field within a time limit and then returning to the farm. It takes ages for such a simple task.
  • A fair bit of screen tearing.
  • A bit unrealistic with how I can drive up sheer mountain faces no bother.
  • Had the equipment bug out and go wild when being towed.
  • Very slow going.
  • Few instances of pop-up.
  • The map is so full that it’s impossible to use the mini-map.
  • A lot of the game is trekking around the map.

Related Post: Undungeon Review (Xbox Series S)

Real Farm Premium Edition:

Official website.

Developer: Soedesco

Publisher: Soedesco

Store Links –


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


For a long time now, The farm genre has been pretty much dominated by the Farming Simulator game series from Giants Software. Enter Sodesco with Real Farm and here we go. First off it does take a lot of what worked from the other game and I can’t hate it for that because if it works then why not? OK so in Real Farm they do allow you to play in free mode which essentially has you playing and doing as you wish whilst the career mode is the hand-holding, jobs laid out experience. I like the free mode as it eliminated a lot of the stress. On the whole Real Farm has made an experience that at the moment is very accessible and more so than the other game (I’ve yet to play the new one FS22) they have helpful buttons and help icons that make a huge difference. The jumping between vehicles means you can quickly and easily get on with it. What is annoying is it’s not as quick at hiring workers or laying out jobs and tasks. Real Farm is a good cheaper alternative and to be honest it’s a perfectly adequate farming experience and one I thoroughly enjoyed. Proof that there is more than one way to plow a field.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!