Review: Floor Kids (Nintendo Switch)

Floor Kids is a new breakdance battle game featuring unique freestyle gameplay, rhythm challenges, and multiplayer sessions.


  • Hand drawn graphics that look sublime.
  • 1.7GB download size.
  • Two modes- Story and local multiplayer.
  • Opening tutorial.
  • Breakdancing gameplay.
  • Play along to the beat of the music by freestyling your moves.
  • Mini rhythm game pops up during levels, Time your hits than a follow up where you have to press the button rapidly.
  • 0-5 star rating system for each level. Stars are used to open new locations.
  • Collect cards to unlock new moves but also new characters.
  • World map level select
  • .Can replay levels.
  • Eight dancers to unlock, Each has their own style and techniques.
  • Break a deck- Here you can view unlocked cards and see the controls for moves you have unlocked.
  • The crowd will call out moves/styles and do these net bonus points.
  • Five scoring areas that represent different dance styles- Funk (tap to the beat) Flavour (freestyle) Flow (don’t stall between moves) Fire (crowd requests and Flybe’s (advanced moves)
  • Quality varied soundtrack.
  • Eight locations to dance in.
  • Animations are slick.
  • On-screen feedback of score pop-ups.
  • Crowd chants and movement really set the atmosphere.
  • Score breakdown at the level end.
  • Controls- Simply press a button and a direction to perform moves.
  • You are in complete control.
  • So much fun to play.
  • You feel satisfaction from learning moves and creating your own combo.


  • Load times can be long.
  • At times the game feels like a button mash and aimless experience.
  • No leaderboards.
  • Little guidance.
  • No practice area or feedback.
  • The mini-games are so quick its really hard to do well.

The Numbers:
  • 9/10
    Graphics - 9/10
  • 9/10
    Sound - 9/10
  • 7/10
    Accessability - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 9/10
    Fun Factor - 9/10


I never knew they could make a fun game set around break dancing, For the first few hours, I thought they hadn’t as I just mashed buttons and got good ranks. I decided to try and concentrate and take in what I was asked to do, This opened the game up to a new level. I learned all about flowing my moves and matching the beat. I really appreciated the art style and how they dared to take a risk and it turned out so well. A surprising game with a lot of depth all it asks of you is that you have flow!

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!