Review: Hatoful Boyfriend

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted as the only human student at the prestigious St. PigeoNation’s Institute, a school for talented birds! Roam the halls and find love in between classes as a sophomore student at the world’s greatest pigeon high school.


  • HD crisp graphics that hit you in a beautiful art presentation.
  • The game is a dating sim with a huge twist, You are on the hunt for a mate, a wifey, a bit of love but here you are taking the word bird and really going with it! You are attempting to date a pigeon is what you need to take from this.
  • Originally released in Japan as a graphic novel, This version is a tarted up localized version of the original.
  • Steam Achievements.
  • Aside form the dating, The story is very much about you, A human girl (stay with me) who is attending her second year of Pigeon school and is looking for love whilst also catching up on gossip.
  • The story is mental but it does such an excellent job of entertaining you that it does exactly what you want a game to do. Forget your troubles and escape into another world.
  • Simple control scheme where all you use is the mouse, Even a pigeon could do it!(apologies)
  • Multiple endings to discover.
  • Fast forward buttons so you can in essence skip conversations or just speed the whole thing up.
  • In game play terms you are interacting with 8 potential dates and must learn information on them and go on dates, go to events and generally bring your best chat up lines!
  • Really well written story, As a visual novel the writing is the most important thing to get right, It des and then some. It brings humour, tragedy, suspense and has you hanging on every word.
  • Does an excellent job of keeping you entertained through out that you don’t even realize that it is just a click click game.
  • You get to learn about yourself as much as the dates. You are actually a very interesting person and uncovering facts about yourself is really good.


  • Grammar mistakes. (The phrase calling the kettle black comes to mind here)
  • Levelling up mechanics in game are not explained or implemented very well and can take a few play throughs to get to grips with.
  • Pacing can go a bit off as you feel a few conversations are just in there as mere filler.
  • Short game with you being able to finish it in a few hours. If you get fast forward happy you can halve that number to just 1 or under.
  • No real video options.

In Summary, Finally we get a game that is so much fun yet so absolutely mental you cannot help but laugh. Its so refreshing to get a game game. It takes a concept, Adds in a new world, A new way of doing things and just flat out entertains you! I do not want to say too much abouyt the story as you really need to experience it for yourselves. And for the record, Due to the game concept and more importantly the game contents, Men your man card is safe with this one! Go get this game and have an absolute riot!

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!