Review: Insidia (Steam)

INSIDIA is a tactical game of turn based duels. Carefully move your team of powerful champions and weave their attacks together to claim victory in the field of battle. Conquer your foes and claim the spoils of the post-apocalyptic world.


  • Decent looking graphics.
  • Graphics options- Fullscreen, Resolution, AA, Quality, V-Sync, Shadows, Post process quality and texture quality and lights.
  • Mouse and keyboard controls.
  • Has its own achievement system.
  • 1076MB Download size.
  • Optional tutorial section.
  • Tactical turn-based duel, Destroy enemy core to win. You move one character at a time.
  • Has a MOBA feel to it all.
  • Isometric view.
  • Two modes- Play online or against AI.
  • Free to play.
  • Games generally take 15-20 minutes.
  • Combo character moves.
  • Overall rank leaderboard.
  • Daily Quests.
  • Decent tactical gameplay.
  • Fun to play.
  • Team- Choose four characters to form your team.
  • Simultaneous turns meaning its always your go and you set up your turn and at the same time as your enemy and you watch it play out.
  • Buy new characters and skins.
  • Some nice character design.
  • On map locations for advantages like turrets and cover.
  • Two stages of the gameplay- Tactical stage then resolution.


  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • The tutorial is hidden away in settings.
  • Possible to get unachievable daily quests
  • .Small UI in places.
  • Stats section not up yet.
  • Doesn’t feel like it has much skill rank searches.
  • Very bare bones.
  • Slow actual gameplay thanks to animation speed and only able to move one character per round.
  • A quite low player count.
  • No way to choose the arena
  • The Small pool of arenas.

The Numbers:
  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessability - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Length - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


A fun idea of a game mixing RTS and tactical turn-based combat, It does a good job overall but it needs a little bit more time to grow and expand upon the present content. I mean its free so you can try it without fear but be prepared for a good idea but a bit content lite and in need of a fair few quality of life improvements to movement, Tactics and online play. In short, Good start but just needs a bit longer in the oven to uncover its true position in the genre.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!