Review: Lego Marvel Super Heroes

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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes features an original story crossing the entire Marvel Universe. Players take control of Iron Man, Spider-Man, the Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine and many more Marvel characters as they unite to stop Loki and a host of other Marvel villains from assembling a super-weapon capable of destroying the world.

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Lego Marvel Super Heroes brings much of what we have all come to expect from Lego Video Games.

Fantastically fun gameplay, with a few new additions to the gameplay dynamic. You can’t go wrong with Lego games, (I have wiped Lego Batman from my memories, so that  game does not count) and this one is especially good for Marvel fans.

Rather than re-hash any movie or follow on from existing stories, Lego Marvel Super heroes brings a brand new, original story, with loads of Superheroes and Villains from the Marvel World. However, throughout the game, you will notice vague references and subtle nods to the Marvel Movies.

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Sadly though, the only voices you will recognise are Agent Coulsons (Clark Gregg) and Stan Lee,  the rest of the characters are barely passable for the current generation of Marvel movies, the worst of the bunch, by miles, is Tony Stark/Iron Man. The Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist sounds more like a teenage boy, which slightly dulled my Tony Stark fangirling. Once you get into the game, this annoyance quickly dissipates.

The game has maintained the usual smashing, collecting and puzzle solving whilst switching from character to character, but this time, there are 139 characters to unlock and play, including The Avengers, SPiderman, Fantastic Four and X-Men, and each character has a variation of moves, depending on the direction you are facing, how many times you press the button and what your Superhero ability is (Flyer/non flyer, Strong, Small etc.)

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Graphically, the game is crisp, clean and visually pleasing and copes pretty well with everything that is going on, however, you will notice some slow down and screen glitches from time to time. If only they could clean that up and make seamless transitions between gameplay and FMV’s (rather than the loading screen), it would be perfect.

This game also maintains the free roam aspect between levels, which gives you the ability to have a little jaunt around Lego New York or Shields Helicarrier. The freeroam quests are decidedly shorter and easier than previous games, especially since you get guided where to go. Comparing Lego Marvel Super Heroes to previous Lego games, it most resembles Lego Batman 2 DC Superheroes, with the free roam dynamics, Vehicle hubs and Character list size.

Story mode took about 5 hours of solid gameplay to complete but with all the collectibles and free play only level quests it still gives a good amount of gameplay time before you have nothing left to do. As expected, this is the best game so far in the Lego Video Game franchise and is great fun for all generations of both Lego and Marvel Fans.

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If you are a fan, you’ll also be happy to know that there is a mini series of Lego Marvel webisodes which you can view here.


Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!