Review: Metro Redux

metro redux (1)

In 2013 the world was devastated by an apocalyptic event, annihilating almost all mankind and turning the Earth’s surface into a poisonous wasteland. A handful of survivors took refuge in the depths of the Moscow underground, and human civilization entered a new Dark Age. The year is 2033.

metro redux (2)


  • Crisp 1080p/60fps graphics that look absolutely brilliant, bring more detail, more atmosphere than ever before. More than a port, This is a full remaster of the classic Metro games.
  • Cheap price point it must be said, This is how to price remaster titles.
  • two games for the price of one. You get Metro Last Light and Metro 2033 with all DLC released.
  • Two full Platinum lists. Yep thats right, Both versions get there own trophy list.
  • games are based off a book by !!!!!!!!! and it shows as each loading screen brings up a little piece on the state of the game world or where you headed next.
  • Voice work is really well done, The voice over/narration in loading screens is particularly strong and heart felt.
  • Controls are near enough the same for both versions,the touch pad on the DS4 is used to bring up your compass, list of objectives and use your lighter to illuminate the dark spaces.
  • A simple thing in many games is the currency, Here you have it but its bullets bringing with it a whole new set of dilemmas! Do you spend more to get a better gun but have no bullets? Or do you save your bullets and use a crappy gun? Its a simple sounding,easy concept but in execution is a real ball breaker!
  • Both games just ooze atmosphere like no other, 2033 in particular has you starting out living under ground avoiding all contact with the mutants, After only a short time of playing, You feel like you are actually there! its this immersion that really captures the gamers attention.
  • More expanded areas so you can go off the beaten trap and find bonus loot and safes.
  • Attention to detail is next level, Wear a gas mask so you can safely navigate pollution.nuclear waste, but thts not all oh no, for as you wear it and kill things or just get dirty, The visor gets dirty,steams up and you have to wipe it clean so you can see.
  • All cut scenes have been remastered.
  • Multiple difficulty options where you can play it as a survival horror type game. Or go full on hardcore, no HUD,harder enemies in the hard as nails ranger mode. Spartan difficulty brings harder enemies for a more intense survival horror game.
  • Opening tutorial section will have you knowing the basics in no time.
  • The action is all scripted but is really well executed. Jump scares, explosions, emotion and lies, its all in there.

metro redux (5)


  • You cannot swap versions at all in game, you have to restart the game to swap between games in short.
  • Not a great game for gamers suffering from clausterphobia as the opening parts in through out the games are very tight narrow tunnels and this is where the atmosphere and immersion work against you.
  • Sensitivity of the sticks is still quite slow, Even on max it can be sluggish. This is more apparent to the COD players or some one looking to recreate a Unreal inspired tunnel shooter.
  • AI can be brutally precise and accurate with shots and hunting you down.
  • Some facial animations are really wooden and words can go out of sybc with the lip movement.
  • for ammo to be such a huge part of the game mechanics, there really isnt much around at all. i know its rationed but in a lot of early gun fights I constantly found myself out of ammo and having to literally punch mutants in the face.(Turns out that was pretty fun)

metro redux (3)

In Summary, What you get here is two awesome games for the price of one. the level of atmosphere is top notch, I personally found it hard as I suffer from many aliments that render a lot of the tight tunnel spaces unplayable. Getting a friend to do parts in a game for you sounds really bad but if it makes you feel unwell it cannot be helped. Anyway that aside when i did get to play it, I loved it, the story in particular is strong and really quite engrossing. I played the game just for more story or see where I landed up. tHe game runs really well and is so much fun in a lot of ways, the currency system brings its own rewards/misfortunes to it all. FPS fans will love the variety of games, non stop action and cast of characters. A job well done I say and well worth a look even if you have played it before on last gen consoles.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!