Review: Pinball FX 2- The Walking Dead Table

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This new table brings the excitement and suspense that you loved in the original adventure game. To celebrate today’s release, we’ve created a launch trailer highlighting the table’s exciting gameplay.

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  • Awesome 1080p/60fps graphics, the level of detail and colour on this table is incredible. Having Lee and Clementine on the bottom of the screen moving around is just brilliant.
  • Sound effects and voice work is all the proper voices from the game.
  • Lee and Clementine are fully animated and change position and move around depending on what happens on the table, They can hug, chat or even play football.
  • Huge collection of mission which can be triggered, Go on a food run and avoid the zombie ball! Some missions can actually plunge the table into darkness and adds so much to it. Missions are varied and bring next level pinball interaction. One mission in particular to showcase this is the sniper challenge. Taking you off the table, You look down the sights of the sniper rifle at a building, Move the sight with the bumper buttons and shoot zombies that appear. Another great mission is where the table fills up with ever advancing zombie hordes.
  • Bonus area on the table where you can earn jackpot bonuses, Hit particular characters to help them in their struggle for survivor.
  • You still have to make the trademark tough decisions on who to help/save and these actions change the game play.
  • Table has multiple routes all over it and is a lot easier to navigate than previous tables.
  • Big zombie in the middle in the table that blocks the entrance to the mission select tunnel.
  • The animations in the score counter are excellent and look every bit as good as the original artwork.
  • Corners of the table have memorable landmarks from the first season of the game.
  • Excellent must read table guide that details every skill shot, mission objectives etc.
  • Hardly any flat walls or obstructions to slow the game play down.
  • Really atmospheric and really does the Walking Dead game justice, it looks and sounds fantastic.

 walking dead pinball table (2)


  • Only two trophies to earn from the DLC.
  • Can be hard to read.understand the objectives as they pop in game, This could be more of a personal thing as i struggle to read the details and keep my eye on the ball.
  • Losing a ball still feels too easy.
  • You don’t like zombies.
  • Hate making tough decisions.

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In Summary, I haven’t played a pinball game for a long time, Gary our writer reviewed the last ZEN table, Guardians of the Galaxy so i missed out. Here i got the Walking Dead one. I’m really glad i got to play it as it is now one of my favourite tables, i love how in depth and different the missions are. The animations happening around the table are brilliant and just the whole feel of it is next level. The bar has been raised and I look forward to the next lot of DLC.

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Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!