Review: Roof Rage (Nintendo Switch)


Roof Rage is a fast-paced, easy to pick, hard to master, platform fighter. It is both a party game and a competitive game for platform fighter’s players.


  • Pixel art graphics.
  • 322mb download size.
  • Touchscreen support.
  • Graphics-zoom-large/fixed scale/animated rank UI/birds in game/blood/combo counter/particules and dust.
  • Game settings-language/screenshake/rotate shake/vibration/stage hazard.
  • Controls-can rebinds the buttons.
  • Actions-jump/attack/special/dash/shield/taunt.
  • Two modes-arcade and local rooftops.
  • Online game mode coming soon.
  • Arcade-3 difficulties-easy/medium/hard.
  • 12 characters.
  • Press ZR on a character in the select screen to see a full moves breakdown complete with cutesy pixel animations.
  • Fighter gameplay.
  • Lightning-fast action.
  • Can do projectiles/air juggles and combos.
  • Uses the stock lives mechanic like Smash brothers.
  • Responsive easy to learn combat.
  • Classic arcade soundtrack.
  • Slick animations.
  • Can change settings in the pause menu.
  • Local rooftops–four modes=stock/score/team/practice.
  • 9 AI difficulties numbered 1-9.
  • 12 locations.
  • Six player max.
  • Can have AI only matches and spectate.
  • Pick up and play.
  • Fast loading.
  • It can jump off walls and ledges.
  • Real strong Smash brothers feel.


  • Online mode coming soon.
  • Small text/menu boxes.
  • It takes a while to get used to more advanced techniques.
  • No game speed option.
  • Arcade mode plays as a gauntlet mode with little to no story.
  • AI matches broke a few times with no one fighting or even moving.
  • 1v1 matches are not fun and tedious.
  • In the heat of battle, it can be hard to know who’s who.

  • 9/10
    Graphics - 9/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 9/10
    Fun Factor - 9/10


Fighting games are commonplace, Super smash brothers clones are commonplace. Roof Rage is a bit of smash brothers but overall it is just a fun as hell fighting game. No power-ups in-game just a huge diverse catalog of moves for each character coupled with unique levels with their own unique hazards. The controls for getting basic combos and moves are simple enough with the advanced moves proving trickier and more time-consuming. I loved the overall pace and how you traverse the stage by wall jumping and ledge grabbing. I would like more background or focus on the individual characters but as it is the game is a ton of fun and is surprisingly deep and rewarding.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!