Review: Stranded

stranded (1)

You wake from cryostasis to find your ship lying crippled on an uncharted planet; shards of platinum-iridium alloy puncture the shimmering alien sand, the wind passes quietly over dead hydrocolliders. It isn’t known how long the ruined vessel has sat here, or even what caused the crash, but one thing is clear: Time is rapidly running out.

stranded (4)


  • Old school pixel graphics that bring the flavour of sights we are used to seeing back in the early 90s late 80s.
  • Great soundtrack.
  • Game is all about exploration and you get out of it, How much you put into it.
  • Find and solve puzzles.
  • Different outcomes can be found depending on your interaction in game and puzzles you have solved and lands you have traversed.
  • You get a proper Stanley Kubrick vibe through out the whole game.
  • Handful of nice areas to explore with some great backdrops.
  • Explore wherever and whenever you want, You are alone? and are free to roam as you please.
  • In game screenshot feature, Bit redundant with Steam but hey ho.
  • Has Steam trading cards.Quite a dark isolated atmosphere in the game that has you taking every step with trepidation.
  • You have a map on your arm and must work out how to use it.

stranded (1)


  • No options screen for like sound/video.
  • Game always starts minimized.
  • Movement is painfully slow and has you doing extra needless clicks just to walk around.
  • No tutorial or exploration at all.
  • Really short game, It is possible to finish the game quicker than it is to boil the kettle.
  • Price is too high for how much content you actually get.

stranded (3)

In Summary, Whilst I am a fan of old school games and point and click in particular, This game just didn’t really do it for me. For as soon as I got a way into it and thought it could be good, It ended and I felt violated. Yes some of the areas are nice and the atmosphere is brilliant, The controls and general content is too painful to let me recommend this to anyone. Maybe if it goes cheap in a sale it will be worth a quick look but as it is its too short and the walking in it is so cumbersome, I say l;eave it.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!