Review: The Few

the few (1)

Take command over RAF during the WW2 history turning point, the Battle of Britain! The goal of the game is to defend Great Britain against German bombing raids.

the few (3)


  • Nice detailed graphics that look really authentic and show off some crazy details. The land below look realistic.
  • Strategy tower defense game. Actual gameplay plays out very much Flight Control HD with guns!
  • Controls are simple with the mouse being used for nearly everything. In fighting, The mouse is used to draw flight paths for your planes, Planes will automatically fire when in range of enemies. If you click on an enemy plane then the flight path will be done for you.
  • Tutorial at the beginning with ongoing hints.
  • Main hub of the game is the UK and this is where you build your base up. You can build air bases, factories and barracks. It all gets a little bit team management here with you having to train new pilots, make new planes which all have a status bar.
  • You can make your own squadrons which makes it easier to control them in fighting parts.
  • Unlock new items and buildings as you play through the main game, Radars, Anti Air are a few examples.
  • You have to patrol the skies over the UK and take down any enemy planes that come into your air space.
  • When engaging enemy pilots, You can control the fight yourself or have the AI do it for you.
  • You can pick the general scenario for your game at the start of the main game, Different scenarios will give you different and harder/easier assignments.
  • Planes are authentic and some are based off the real life planes.
  • Notifications through out to let you know whats going on in the skiea and back at base.
  • Steam cards.
  • Earn exp with every pilot that survives the air battles.
  • In air you can zoom the camera right in and see it all unfolding, You can hear all the radio chatter between your squadron.
  • In air combat you have fast forward buttons if you get impatient!

the few (4)


  • Slow pace to it all, Navigating menus and just getting through the initial training is a slog.
  • Loads of loading,waiting for things to happen.
  • Music is annoying after a while due to the fact its only one or two songs on repeat.
  • Some proper cringe worthy voice acting. Your general in charge especially is cast as a typical stereo type General with a forced accent and little empathy.
  • The game is actually a short number, It wont take long to get through all the scenarios.
  • Not much replay ability at all, Once you have seen it all there is little reason to come back.

the few (5)

In Summary, This is one of those games that does things like fighting, really well but then starts to introduce loads of new features and it kind of dilutes the whole overall experience. I wish it just had a bit more meat like online or the option to make your own planes. It defiantly needs more scenarios and the waiting time for training and building needs to be a bit faster. If it could have authentic battles that would be a huge draw, As is it is a decent little game and is a nice game to play one afternoon. If you played Flight Control and always dreamed of shooting the other planes down, Then this is right up there for you. A solid tower defense game with a good air battle theme.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!