The Night Of The Rabbit Review (Steam)

The Night Of The Rabbit Review, Lose yourself in a tale of magic and wonder, where anything is possible and where nothing is quite as it seems: join young Jerry and follow a peculiar white rabbit to the wondrous realm of Mousewood, a land where critters can speak and where mystery abounds.

The Night Of The Rabbit Review Pros:

  • Beautifully detailed graphics with a lovely warm-feeling art design.
  • 8.09GB Download size.
  • Steam achievements.
  • Steam Trading cards.
  • Good soundtrack that compliments the game well. The voice work is quite superb and expresses real emotion.
  • The tutorial is a clever and nice take on it all.
  • A fairytale-style story that evokes a lot of reminiscing about your own summer holidays. You play an amateur magician called Jerry Hazelnut who is living out his final summer holiday, One day he comes across a talking rabbit and the adventure begins. Join Jerry as he becomes the rabbit’s apprentice and go into another world.
  • The story sounds like a kid’s book but does have some dark undertones that keep it from being labeled childish. From unfriendly people to some tough choices, the game delivers a top-notch story.
  • Apart from the main story, the game has many optional collectibles for you to find. The audiobooks give a more in-depth look into the magical world of Mousewood. To collectible cards you can use in a mini-game you can play with the inhabitants.
  • Simple point-and-click controls with the whole ethos of keeping it simple. No complicated combining menus or scrolling through endless pointer options.
  • The world in which you find yourself, apart from beautiful (sometimes dark) scenery is vast in both size and content. There is always something to do and with the addition of portals, fast traveling is taken care of.
  • Mousewood is a big place and each area has its own unique charm. You never feel lost navigating the world and soon grow familiar to your surroundings.
  • The game has puzzles and brain teasers by the boat full, ranging from quick easy ones to a lot more taxing ones. You may have to do some back tracking but it never feels a chore.
  • Many hours of gameplay are available in this game with me easily clocking over 25 hours.
  • You do have an in-game hint system that can sometimes help you out so you never feel completely alone in your adventure.
  • The audiobooks keep it authentic by being read by Matt Kempke, The creator of the game. It adds another layer of immersion not always felt in other point-and-click games.

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The Night Of The Rabbit Review  Cons:

  • The first few hours can be very slow-paced and feel uneventful despite all the happenings of a new adventure.
  • Hint system whilst handy for a few mundane tasks, Can be too broad or not specific enough for the more complicated puzzle or task.
  • When characters talk, There is a lot of pausing and repetitive dialogue used. The pauses are very noticeable and will have you wondering if your sound card has packed up.
  • Solving puzzles does not always gives you a sense of great satisfaction when you finally nail it.
  • Puzzles are never clearly explained as to what order they must be tackled. Many, Many times you will find yourself stuck on a puzzle only to find you need to do a different puzzle first, In order to finish the other one.  This breaks the immersion somewhat as anger descends upon your game session and you find yourself hating on a fictional rabbit.

The Night Of The Rabbit:

Official website.

Developer: Daedalic

Publisher: Daedalic

Store Links –


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


In summary, Despite the problems with the flow of the puzzles, The game is a dam good effort in the point-and-click genre. Just the visuals and atmosphere make it a great game that you will enjoy. And hey if puzzles are so hard they make you wanna cry and get you going then you are in for a treat. I urge you to hunt out the collectibles as a lot of work clearly went into them and they can only add to your experience. You get a lot of gameplay for your money and the game does a brilliant job of having you relate yourself to what is a likable main character. Try it for yourself and bunker down for a treat of a game.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!