Review: Touring Karts (PlayStation 4)

Touring Karts takes maximum advantage of the possibilities of VR by reinventing KART-type races in the midst of chaos full of action and surprises. The game can also be enjoyed on non-VR platforms.


  • Chunky cartoon graphics.
  • 1.19gb download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Playstation VR support (optional).
  • Starting tutorial race.
  • Kart racing gameplay.
  • Supports many controller types-DS4, DS4 gyro, DS4 wheel and move combo, steering wheel, move, and 3D rudder.
  • 3 modes-Singleplayer/Multiplayer/Quick race.
  • Arcade atmosphere.
  • Story-based Mode with more than 500 original challenges (+120h to complete) with collectible prizes. It can be completed in Single Player or Multiplayer Mode.
  • Easy trophy list with 46 total trophies!
  • Combine power-ups to create new power-ups, tick them off the massive list of combinations.
  • Each race has two objectives to do in order to get coins.
  • Coin machine-put coins in for unlocks.
  • Garage-buy new Karts, upgrade stats, buy/learn new customizable parts.
  • 3 difficulties per race-Normal/hard/Pro.
  • Fast loading.
  • 2 driving view’s-driver seat and behind.
  • Can get a turbo start.
  • Online leaderboards.
  • 22 World locations.
  • Has a drifting model for speed boosts.
  • Works well in PSVR.
  • Multiplayer-daily event/quick race/friends only.
  • 30 odd Karts with it being 3 Karts in each race team.


  • Only one control scheme.
  • Outside of VR its a flat experience.
  • Some horrible level hazards.
  • Erratic Ai.
  • I can’t see objectives when in a race.
  • When drifting the camera goes all over the place and is really shakey.
  • Power up combos are just random.
  • Unlocking locations can be a grind.
  • Rubberband Ai.
  • Slow respawn back to the track.
  • Basic HUD.
  • Tracks feel too thin and short.

  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


Touring Karts is a game that tries to bring VR and non-VR players together and making it feel like one unit. The VR portion works well and the camera and controls work well, however outside of VR the camera is all over the place, the sense of speed is just not there and overall it left me feeling down on it. I used it as a VR game and had a lot more fun as I say the controls and camera worked well and didn’t go all over the place, tracks whilst varied they all suffer from the same issue which is thing tracks and the shorts are very short, add in the crazy camera and its all a bit of a headache-inducing experience. The power-up combo initially sounds like a great idea and it is when you pull off a good combo but as you can guess, it’s all so random that you can never really plan anything out. As it is touring Karts should be approached as a VR game but you could force fun into the non-VR play.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!