Rivalia Dungeon Raiders Review (PlayStation 5)

Our Rivalia Dungeon Raiders Review has us playing a comical Roguelite adventure and single-player ARPG, wr will control 4 main characters in their quest to end the curse of Rivalia and return the kingdom to normal. You will take control of one of them, being able to switch characters at any time. But you won’t fight alone, your allies will fight side by side with you in epic real-time battles.

Rivalia Dungeon Raiders Review Pros:

  • Decent cartoon/cel-shaded graphics.
  • 6.23GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Dungeon crawler gameplay.
  • Tutorial pop-ups as you play.
  • 3rd person perspective.
  • Full camera control with the right stick.
  • Stamina-based system for running and dodging.
  • Hack and slash combat with magic abilities.
  • Party management – you can hot-swap between any of your party members, otherwise, they act and fight on their own.
  • Combat does look fantastic when it’s all kicking off and combos come out.
  • In-game cutscenes that can be skipped.
  • Shop to buy and sell items.
  • Loot drops a lot and comes in rarity levels.
  • Enemies are plentiful and you get different types like Elites and bosses.
  • Text pop-up of item picked up description.
  • Loot chests can be found.
  • Stats screen for overall play and then each individual character.
  • Auto-aim and aim assist is on, especially for the ranged players.
  • Bestiary fills in with enemy lore and stats as you encounter them.
  • Loot is split into materials, consumables, and runes.
  • Runes equipped to characters to change stats.
  • You can see health bars.
  • Teleporter portals are used to fast travel around the current dungeon.
  • Easy trophy list.
  • Materials are used to craft new runes and potions.
  • You can replay previous dungeons.
  • End of dungeon guardian fights.
  • Handicap modifiers can be applied to the next dungeon for more loot.
  • Revive downed party members.

Rivalia Dungeon Raiders Review Cons:

  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • The game explains nothing about the hub like bulletin boards and crafting.
  • The game is really slow in movement turns, the run button makes it alright but that costs stamina.
  • Jarring cutscenes.
  • Guardian fights are boring and they are just bullet sponges.
  • All you are collecting is basic boring loot.
  • Pain in the ass that you have to press a button to pick up loot.
  • Cannot turn off the pop-up text for interactions.
  • Bare minimum controls.
  • The doors you can and should enter is not actually indicated.
  • The in-game text is small when fighting but blurry when out of combat.
  • You have to dig into the menus to find out your character abilities.
  • Despite looking the same, only certain boxes can be broken open.
  • No help in finding out what you actually do in every dungeon.
  • The camera goes crazy a lot, especially in combat.

Related Post: Neverawake Review (Steam)

Rivalia Dungeon Raiders:

Official website.

Developer: Fsix Games

Publisher: Gammeranest Games

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Sound - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Length - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Fun Factor - 6/10


Rivalia Dungeon Raiders is a game that is confused as to what it is going for. The idea I think is that you go in as a group of four characters and dungeon crawl around and face off against a huge guardian, collecting loot and leveling up as you go. What you actually get is a dungeon that feels the same every time, the loot is plentiful but just materials to craft more runes and potions that are also what you collect in-game! The graphics are good, and the idea is sound but the execution is just mediocre. I got bored looking through the same dungeons over and over to just face a spammy boring guardian. The characters don’t get any new abilities, and even using runes to change stats doesn’t feel substantial. I can see a good game but it just needs more refinement and focus, I would say that the next game this studio does could be one to watch because they have the chops but this game isn’t the trendsetter. With no online it does mean that Co-op play whilst OK, it’s not an easy sell as the Ai will probably play the game better for you anyway. The dungeon-crawling part is not what you think and the loot loop is just not engaging enough. It’s such a bummer to say but Rivalia Dungeon Raiders is just not a great game.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!