Robolt Review (PlayStation 5)

For this Robolt Review, where we get ready for a fantastically frantic side-scrolling run ‘n’ gun in Robolt! Presented in blazing-fast pixel art style, Robolt casts you as a little robot that can rapidly fire laser bolts as they sprint along. Featuring 16 levels across 4 different worlds, stages are packed with enemies that can be quickly dismantled by your projectiles or by hopping on their heads, but beware of the big bosses at the end of each world!

Robolt Review Pros:

  • Nice modern pixel art graphics.
  • 117MB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • You get the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 versions of the game.
  • Platform shooter gameplay.
  • Simple controls – jump, fire, and secondary fire.
  • The help manual is the controls list.
  • Collect microchips and use them to upgrade/unlock weapons.
  • Fast reload.
  • You can hold the fire button down.
  • Near instant loading times.
  • Level layout in terms of the enemies is randomized every life.
  • High difficulty ceiling with one-hit deaths.
  • You can wall jump.
  • Four worlds to unlock.

Robolt Review Cons:

  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • Difficult.
  • It’s really hard to concentrate as your character gets lost in the background.
  • Movement is ridiculously fast.
  • Little replay value.
  • No online leaderboards.
  • Takes a while to get used to it as you have no practice/tutorial level.

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Official website.

Developer: Gamelike Games

Publisher: eastasiasoft

Store Links –


Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!