Skye Tales Review (PlayStation 4)

For this Skye Tales Review, where we join Skye the friendly dragon, and glide across the colorful, musical, cozy valleys of Brinn in Skye Tales, a gentle puzzle exploration game set in a world that couldn’t be happier to see you. Your playful world awaits!

Skye Tales Review Pros:

  • Nice cartoon-like graphics.
  • 4.72GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Works on Playstation 5.
  • Game settings – vibration and sensitivity slider.
  • Filter settings – desaturation (tint and slider), high contrast (player/object/denizen color and background slider), and no filter.
  • Adventure gameplay.
  • Four areas to unlock – Avieshire, Raina Falls, Coastin, and Whispbridge.
  • Beautiful hand-drawn art cutscenes.
  • Fully voiced narration.
  • Can skip the cutscenes.
  • Opening tutorial pop-ups.
  • You play as a flying dragon and solve puzzles and explore the world.
  • Big bright locations.
  • Buy and equip hats.
  • Your journal keeps tabs on missions, progress, the controls, the scrapbook, and the save and quit menu.
  • Play how you want as you can freely fly around the world.
  • Optional puzzles can be solved for Rewards.
  • Interact with the inhabitants.
  • Very soothing music.
  • Simple controls.
  • Fly past banners to unravel them.
  • Golden acorns are earned from missions and solving puzzles, sometimes they can be found in the world.
  • Every location feels different and unique with the inhabitants and the way they act within the world.
  • Felix owns the shop and here you spend acorns on hats which can also change the style of your body.
  • Find and take part in cool mini-games.
  • Without penalty, you can get hints for puzzles.
  • Parts of the levels can have it where passing by will make music.
  • The map fills in as you explore.
  • Aimed at kids but honestly, it’s playable and very Zen for the older gamer.
  • You have clear set goals for advancing the story but you also have many varied side goals for bonus acorns.
  • An overall percentage bar for each location.
  • Earn bonus outfits by doing bonus goals.
  • It’s a good mix of puzzles.
  • It’s not that difficult.

Skye Tales Review Cons:

  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • Initially, it’s a bit daunting as you get plopped in a new world and have a huge map with loads of icons and you have to sort that all out.
  • With the foreground creatures walking around you get some animals and creatures walking in the air.
  • It’s not always clear what to do, this is aimed more when you are trying to mop up the last few goals.
  • You have no camera control and this can make it a bit juddery as it transitions around.
  • Cannot skip every cutscene.
  • After looking at an earned trophy the game pauses.
  • Voice work is only in cutscenes.

Related Post: Moving Out 2 Review (Xbox Series S)

Skye Tales:

Official website.

Developer: Puny Astronaut

Publisher: 4J Studios

Store Links – 


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Accessibility - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


Every now and then a game aimed at kids comes along that is enjoyable and more advanced than some games aimed at older gamers! This is one of those games. Yes, it’s all very simple in that you play as a Dragon and go from place to place to help the citizens with their tasks. What you don’t realize is, the game houses a lot of variety from the puzzles to the locations, I say puzzles but they are not that difficult and instead, just have you doing little things. The way your dragon flies around is very HoHokum, fluid, and elegant as you fly and swim around. I really enjoyed just having a Zen experience with very little brain power needed but just enough to stop it from becoming boring. Honestly a great little surprise and one worth playing no matter your age.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!