Stick It To The Man Available To Pre-Order Now

Stick It To The Man screenshot (5)

Ever wanted to be able to read people’s minds and find out what they’re really thinking? Well now you can get one step closer to that dream by pre-ordering Stick It To The Man from the PlayStation Store today. Swedish creative geniuses Zoink Games and UK publisher Ripstone have read the minds of the fans and found out you wanted to know the official release dates and pricing for the crazy mind-reading puzzle game that’s proved a hit at shows this summer.

Stick It To The Man screenshot (3)

Stick It To The Man will have you exploring a world made of paper and stickers; helping Ray who has just woken up from a bizarre accident with a giant pink spaghetti arm sticking out of his brain. This gives him extraordinary mind-reading powers, as well as being able to transform the world around him by tearing it, folding it and using the crazy stickers he finds to solve mind-boggling puzzles. Sadly, Ray doesn’t have much time to get to grips with his new psychic abilities as he’s on the run from ‘The Man’ for a crime he didn’t commit! Can you change the world with stickers and help Ray out of this sticky situation?

Stick It To The Man screenshot (2)

Stick It To The Man will be available to download from the PlayStation Store on PlayStation3 from 19th/20th November 2013; and will be available on PS Vita from mid-December. The game is available to Pre-Order now from the PlayStation Store; everyone who pre-orders will receive a 20% discount on the full game price.

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Stick It To The Man will be cross-buy enabled meaning players pay once and get both versions of the game for £9.99 / €12.99 / $12.99. Buy it once and enjoy it on the bus or on your big screen – and don’t forget the 20% pre-order discount too!

Check out the website for more information or head to the facebook page for photos of the game & the giant pink spaghetti arm at events this summer. You can also get involved in the conversation on twitter using the hashtag #StickItGame

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!